CloseButton Close Tab Zapri zavihek MAC_APPLICATION_MENU Services Storitve Hide %1 Skrij %1 Hide Others Skrij druge Show All Prikaži vse Preferences... Nastavitve ... Quit %1 Končaj %1 About %1 O %1 Print Device Input Slot Automatic Print Device Output Bin Automatic QAbstractSocket Host not found Ni moč najti gostitelja Connection refused Povezava je zavrnjena Socket operation timed out Čas za dejanje na vtičnici je potekel Socket is not connected Vtičnica ni povezana. Connection timed out Čas za povezavo je potekel Operation on socket is not supported Dejanje na vtičnici ni podprto Network unreachable Omrežje ni dosegljivo Trying to connect while connection is in progress QAbstractSpinBox &Step up Korak &gor Step &down Korak &dol &Select All Izberi &vse QAccessibleActionInterface Press Pritisni Increase Decrease ShowMenu SetFocus Toggle Preklopi Scroll Left Premakni levo Scroll Right Premakni desno Scroll Up Scroll Down Previous Page Next Page Triggers the action Increase the value Decrease the value Shows the menu Sets the focus Toggles the state Scrolls to the left Scrolls to the right Scrolls up Scrolls down Goes back a page Goes to the next page QAndroidPlatformTheme Yes Da Yes to All No Ne No to All QApplication Executable '%1' requires Qt %2, found Qt %3. Izvršljiva datoteka »%1« potrebuje Qt %2, najden pa je bil Qt %3. Incompatible Qt Library Error Napaka nezdružljivosti knjižnice Qt QCocoaMenuItem About Qt O Qt About Config Preference Options Možnosti Setting Setup Quit Exit Končaj Cut Izreži Copy Skopiraj Paste Prilepi Select All Izberi vse QCocoaTheme Don't Save Ne shrani QColorDialog Hu&e: &Odtenek: &Sat: &Zasičenost: &Val: &Vrednost: &Red: &Rdeča: &Green: &Zelena: Bl&ue: &Modra: A&lpha channel: Kanal &alfa: &Basic colors &Osnovne barve &Custom colors Barve po &meri &Add to Custom Colors &Dodaj lastnim barvam Select Color Izberite barvo &HTML: Cursor at %1, %2 Press ESC to cancel &Pick Screen Color QComboBox False Napačno True Pravilno Open the combo box selection popup QCommandLineParser Displays version information. Unknown option '%1'. Unknown options: %1. Missing value after '%1'. Unexpected value after '%1'. [options] Usage: %1 Options: Arguments: Displays help on commandline options. Displays help including Qt specific options. QCoreApplication %1: key is empty QSystemSemaphore %1: ključ je prazen %1: unable to make key QSystemSemaphore %1: ni moč ustvariti ključa %1: ftok failed QSystemSemaphore %1: funkcija ftok ni uspela QCupsJobWidget Job Job Control Scheduled printing: Billing information: Job priority: Banner Pages End: Banner page at end Start: Banner page at start Print Immediately Hold Indefinitely Day (06:00 to 17:59) Night (18:00 to 05:59) Second Shift (16:00 to 23:59) Third Shift (00:00 to 07:59) Weekend (Saturday to Sunday) Specific Time None CUPS Banner page Brez Standard CUPS Banner page Unclassified CUPS Banner page Confidential CUPS Banner page Classified CUPS Banner page Secret CUPS Banner page Top Secret CUPS Banner page QCupsPrinterSupport Authentication Needed Authentication needed to use %1. Authentication needed to use %1 on %2. Username: Password: QDB2Driver Unable to connect Ni moč vzpostaviti povezave Unable to commit transaction Ni moč udejaniti transakcije Unable to rollback transaction Ni moč razveljaviti transakcije Unable to set autocommit Ni moč nastaviti samodejnega udejanjanja QDB2Result Unable to execute statement Ni moč izvesti izjave Unable to prepare statement Ni moč pripraviti izjave Unable to bind variable Ni moč prikleniti spremenljivke Unable to fetch record %1 Ni moč pridobiti zapisa %1 Unable to fetch next Ni moč pridobiti sledečega Unable to fetch first Ni moč pridobiti prvega QDBusTrayIcon OK V redu QDateTimeParser AM dop. am dop. PM pop. pm pop. QDialog What's This? Kaj je to? QDialogButtonBox OK V redu QDirModel Name Ime Size Velikost Kind Match OS X Finder Vrste Type All other platforms Vrsta Date Modified Datum spremembe QDnsLookup Operation cancelled QDnsLookupRunnable IPv6 addresses for nameservers are currently not supported Invalid domain name Not yet supported on Android Resolver functions not found Resolver initialization failed Server could not process query Server failure Non existent domain Server refused to answer Invalid reply received Could not expand domain name Invalid IPv4 address record Invalid IPv6 address record Invalid canonical name record Invalid name server record Invalid pointer record Invalid mail exchange record Invalid service record Invalid text record Resolver library can't be loaded: No runtime library loading support No hostname given Invalid hostname Neveljavno ime gostitelja Host %1 could not be found. Unknown error Neznana napaka QDockWidget Close Accessible name for button closing a dock widget Zapri Float Accessible name for button undocking a dock widget (floating state) Naj lebdi Undocks and re-attaches the dock widget Closes the dock widget QDomParser Error occurred while processing XML declaration Multiple DTD sections are not allowed Error occurred while processing document type declaration Error occurred while processing comment Error occurred while processing a processing instruction Error occurred while processing a start element Unexpected end element '%1' Error occurred while processing an end element Error occurred while processing the element content Error occurred while processing comments Error occurred while processing an entity reference Unexpected token Tag mismatch Error occurred while processing entity declaration Error occurred while processing notation declaration QDtls Invalid (empty) secret Multicast and broadcast addresses are not supported Cannot set peer after handshake started Invalid address Cannot set verification name after handshake started Cannot set configuration after handshake started Cannot start/continue handshake, invalid handshake state Invalid (nullptr) socket To start a handshake you must set peer's address and port first To start a handshake, DTLS server requires non-empty datagram (client hello) Cannot start handshake, already done/in progress A valid QUdpSocket and non-empty datagram are needed to continue the handshake Cannot continue handshake, not in InProgress state Cannot resume, not in VerificationError state No handshake in progress, nothing to abort Cannot send shutdown alert, not encrypted Cannot write a datagram, not in encrypted state Cannot read a datagram, not in encrypted state %1 failed %1: Some function Invalid SslMode, SslServerMode or SslClientMode expected Invalid protocol version, DTLS protocol expected BIO_ADD_new failed, cannot start handshake Cannot start the handshake, verified client hello expected Peer verification failed The DTLS connection has been closed Error while writing: %1 The DTLS connection has been shutdown Error while reading: %1 Napaka med branjem: %1 QDtlsClientVerifier A valid UDP socket, non-empty datagram, valid address/port were expected BIO_ADDR_new failed, ignoring client hello QErrorMessage Debug Message: Sporočilo razhroščevanja: Warning: Opozorilo: Fatal Error: Usodna napaka: &Show this message again &To sporočilo naslednjič spet prikaži &OK &V redu Critical Error: Information: QFile Destination file exists Ciljna datoteka obstaja Will not rename sequential file using block copy Sekvenčna datoteka ne bo preimenovana z uporabo kopiranja blokov Cannot remove source file Ni moč odstraniti izvorne datoteke Cannot open %1 for input Ni moč odpreti %1 za vhod Failure to write block Neuspeh pri zapisovanju bloka Cannot create %1 for output Ni moč ustvariti %1 za izhod Destination file is the same file. Source file does not exist. Unable to restore from %1: %2 Error while renaming: %1 Cannot open destination file: %1 Cannot open for output: %1 QFileDevice No file engine available or engine does not support UnMapExtension No file engine available QFileDialog All Files (*) Vse datoteke (*) Directories Mape &Open &Odpri &Save &Shrani Open Odpri %1 already exists. Do you want to replace it? %1 že obstaja. Ali jo želite nadomestiti? %1 File not found. Please verify the correct file name was given. %1 Datoteka ni bila najdena. Preverite, ali je bilo podano pravilno ime datoteke. My Computer Moj računalnik &Rename Pre&imenuj &Delete &Izbriši Show &hidden files Prikaži &skrite datoteke Back Nazaj Parent Directory Matična mapa List View Prikaz seznama Detail View Prikaz podrobnosti Files of type: Datoteke vrste: Directory: Mapa: %1 Directory not found. Please verify the correct directory name was given. %1 Mapa ni bila najdena. Preverite, ali je bilo podano pravilno ime mape. '%1' is write protected. Do you want to delete it anyway? »%1« je zaščitena pred pisanjem. Ali jo kljub temu želite izbrisati? Could not delete directory. Ni bilo moč izbrisati mape. Save As Shrani kot Drive Pogon File Datoteka Unknown Neznano Find Directory Najdi mapo Show Prikaži Forward Naprej New Folder Nova mapa &New Folder &Nova mapa &Choose Iz&berite Remove Odstrani File &name: Ime &datoteke: Look in: Išči v: Create New Folder Ustvari novo mapo Recent Places Nedavna mesta File Folder Match Windows Explorer Mapa z datotekami Folder All other platforms Mapa Shortcut All other platforms Bližnjica Go back Vrni se nazaj Go forward Napreduj naprej Go to the parent directory Pojdi v matično mapo Create a New Folder Ustvari novo mapo Change to list view mode Preklopi v način prikaza seznama Change to detail view mode Preklopi v način prikaza podrobnosti Alt+Left Alt+Right Alt+Up Sidebar List of places and bookmarks Files All files (*) Delete Izbriši Are you sure you want to delete '%1'? %1 File %1 is a file name suffix, for example txt Alias OS X Finder Drugo ime QFileSystemModel Invalid filename Napačno ime datoteke Name Ime Size Velikost Kind Match OS X Finder Vrste Type All other platforms Vrsta Date Modified Datum spremembe My Computer Moj računalnik Computer Računalnik <b>The name "%1" cannot be used.</b><p>Try using another name, with fewer characters or no punctuation marks. QFontDatabase Bold Polkrepko Demi Bold Black Krepko Demi The word for "Demi" as in "Demi Bold" used as a pattern for string searches Light Lahko Italic Ležeče Oblique Nagnjeno Any Katerikoli Latin Latinska Greek Grška Cyrillic Cirilica Armenian Armenska Hebrew Hebrejska Arabic Arabska Syriac Sirijska Thaana Thaana Devanagari Devanagari Bengali Bengalska Gurmukhi Gurmukhi Gujarati Gujarati Oriya Oriya Tamil Tamilska Telugu Teluška Kannada Kannada Malayalam Malayalam Sinhala Sinhala Thai Tajska Lao Laoška Tibetan Tibetanska Myanmar Mjanmarska Georgian Gruzijska Khmer Kmerska Simplified Chinese Poenostavljena kitajska Traditional Chinese Tradicionalna kitajska Japanese Japonska Korean Korejska Vietnamese Vietnamska Symbol Simbol Ogham Oghamska Runic Runska N'Ko N'Ko Normal The Normal or Regular font weight Običajno Medium The Medium font weight Thin Extra Light Extra Bold Extra The word for "Extra" as in "Extra Bold, Extra Thin" used as a pattern for string searches QFontDialog &Font &Pisava Font st&yle &Slog pisave &Size &Velikost Effects Učinki Stri&keout P&rečrtaj &Underline Po&dčrtaj Sample Vzorec Wr&iting System S&istem pisanja Select Font Izberite pisavo QFtp Not connected Brez povezave Host %1 not found Gostitelj %1 ni bil najden Connection refused to host %1 Povezava z gostiteljem %1 je bila zavrnjena Connected to host %1 Povezan z gostiteljem %1 Unknown error Neznana napaka Connecting to host failed: %1 Povezovanje z gostiteljem ni uspelo: %1 Login failed: %1 Prijava ni uspela: %1 Listing directory failed: %1 Izpis seznama map ni uspel: %1 Changing directory failed: %1 Spreminjanje mape ni uspelo: %1 Downloading file failed: %1 Prejemanje datoteke ni uspelo: %1 Uploading file failed: %1 Pošiljanje datoteke ni uspelo: %1 Removing file failed: %1 Odstranjevanje datoteke ni uspelo: %1 Creating directory failed: %1 Ustvarjanje mape ni uspelo: %1 Removing directory failed: %1 Odstranjevanje mape ni uspelo: %1 Connection closed Povezava je bila prekinjena Connection timed out to host %1 Čas za povezavo z gostiteljem %1 je potekel Data Connection refused QGnomeTheme &OK &V redu &Save &Shrani &Cancel &Prekliči &Close &Zapri Close without Saving Zapri brez shranjevanja QGuiApplication QT_LAYOUT_DIRECTION Translate this string to the string 'LTR' in left-to-right languages or to 'RTL' in right-to-left languages (such as Hebrew and Arabic) to get proper widget layout. LTR QPA plugin. See QGuiApplication documentation for available options for each plugin. Path to the platform plugins. Platform theme. Additional plugins to load, can be specified multiple times. Window geometry for the main window, using the X11-syntax, like 100x100+50+50. Default window icon. Title of the first window. Sets the application's layout direction to Qt::RightToLeft (debugging helper). Restores the application from an earlier session. Display name, overrides $DISPLAY. Instance name according to ICCCM Disable mouse grabbing (useful in debuggers). Force mouse grabbing (even when running in a debugger). ID of the X11 Visual to use. Alias for --windowgeometry. Alias for --windowicon. Alias for --windowtitle. QHostInfo Unknown error Neznana napaka No host name given Podano ni bilo nobeno ime gostitelja QHostInfoAgent Host not found Ni moč najti gostitelja Unknown address type Neznana vrsta naslova No host name given Podano ni bilo nobeno ime gostitelja Invalid hostname Neveljavno ime gostitelja QHttp Connection refused Povezava je zavrnjena Host %1 not found Gostitelj %1 ni bil najden Connection closed Povezava je bila prekinjena Proxy requires authentication Posrednik zahteva overitev Host requires authentication Gostitelj zahteva overitev Data corrupted Podatki so okvarjeni Unknown protocol specified Naveden je bil neznan protokol SSL handshake failed Rokovanje SSL ni uspelo Too many redirects Insecure redirect QHttpSocketEngine Authentication required Potrebna je overitev Did not receive HTTP response from proxy Od posrednika ni bil prejet odgovor HTTP Error parsing authentication request from proxy Napaka pri razčlenjevanju overitvenega zahtevka od posrednika Proxy denied connection Posrednik je zavrnil povezavo Error communicating with HTTP proxy Napaka pri komunikaciji s posrednikom HTTP Proxy server not found Posredniški strežnik ni bil najden Proxy connection refused Povezava s posrednikom je bila zavrnjena Proxy server connection timed out Čas za povezavo s posredniškim strežnikom je potekel Proxy connection closed prematurely Povezava s posrednikom je bila prekinjena predčasno QIBaseDriver Error opening database Napaka pri odpiranju podatkovne zbirke Could not start transaction Ni bilo moč začeti transakcije Unable to commit transaction Ni moč udejaniti transakcije Unable to rollback transaction Ni moč razveljaviti transakcije QIBaseResult Unable to create BLOB Ni moč ustvariti BLOB-a Unable to write BLOB Ni moč zapisati BLOB-a Unable to open BLOB Ni moč odpreti BLOB-a Unable to read BLOB Ni moč prebrati BLOB-a Could not find array Ni bilo moč najti polja Could not get array data Ni bilo moč pridobiti podatkov iz polja Could not get query info Ni bilo moč pridobiti podatkov o poizvedbi Could not start transaction Ni bilo moč začeti transakcije Unable to commit transaction Ni moč udejaniti transakcije Could not allocate statement Ni bilo moč dodeliti prostora za izjavo Could not prepare statement Ni bilo moč pripraviti izjave Could not describe input statement Ni bilo moč opisati vhodne izjave Could not describe statement Ni bilo moč opisati izjave Unable to close statement Ni moč zaključiti izjave Unable to execute query Ni moč izvesti poizvedbe Could not fetch next item Ni bilo moč pridobiti sledeče postavke Could not get statement info Ni bilo moč pridobiti podatkov o izjavi QIODevice Permission denied Nimate dovoljenja Too many open files Preveč odprtih datotek No such file or directory Ta datoteka ali mapa ne obstaja No space left on device Ni prostora na napravi Unknown error Neznana napaka file to open is a directory QImageReader Invalid device File not found Unsupported image format Unable to read image data Unknown error Neznana napaka QImageWriter Unknown error Neznana napaka Device is not set Device not writable Unsupported image format Cannot open device for writing: %1 Image is empty QInputDialog Enter a value: Vnesite vrednost: QJsonParseError no error occurred ni nobene napake unterminated object missing name separator unterminated array missing value separator illegal value invalid termination by number illegal number invalid escape sequence invalid UTF8 string unterminated string object is missing after a comma too deeply nested document too large document garbage at the end of the document QKeySequenceEdit Press shortcut %1, ... This text is an "unfinished" shortcut, expands like "Ctrl+A, ..." QLibrary The plugin '%1' uses incompatible Qt library. (%2.%3.%4) [%5] Vstavek »%1« uporablja nezdružljivo knjižnico Qt. (%2.%3.%4) [%5] Unknown error Neznana napaka The shared library was not found. Deljena knjižnica ni bila najdena. The file '%1' is not a valid Qt plugin. Datoteka »%1« ni veljaven vstavek Qt. The plugin '%1' uses incompatible Qt library. (Cannot mix debug and release libraries.) Vstavek »%1« uporablja nezdružljivo knjižnico Qt. (Ni moč mešati knjižnic za razhroščevanje in izdajo.) Cannot load library %1: %2 Ni moč naložiti knjižnice %1: %2 Cannot unload library %1: %2 Ni moč odstraniti knjižnice %1: %2 '%1' is not an ELF object (%2) '%1' is not an ELF object '%1' is an invalid ELF object (%2) Failed to extract plugin meta data from '%1' '%1' is not a valid Mach-O binary (%2) file is corrupt file too small no suitable architecture in fat binary invalid magic %1 wrong architecture not a dynamic library '%1' is not a Qt plugin odd cpu architecture wrong cpu architecture odd endianness unexpected e_shsize unexpected e_shentsize announced %n section(s), each %1 byte(s), exceed file size shstrtab section header seems to be at %1 string table seems to be at %1 section name %1 of %2 behind end of file empty .rodata. not a library. missing section data. This is not a library. QLineEdit &Undo &Razveljavi &Redo &Uveljavi Cu&t &Izreži &Copy S&kopiraj &Paste Pri&lepi Delete Izbriši Select All Izberi vse QLocalServer %1: Name error %1: napaka v imenu %1: Permission denied %1: nimate dovoljenja %1: Address in use %1: naslov je že v uporabi %1: Unknown error %2 %1: neznana napaka %2 QLocalSocket %1: Connection refused %1: povezava je bila zavrnjena %1: Remote closed %1: oddaljeni je prekinil %1: Invalid name %1: neveljavno ime %1: Socket access error %1: napaka pri dostopu do vtičnice %1: Socket resource error %1: napaka vira vtičnice %1: Socket operation timed out %1: čas za dejanje na vtičnici je potekel %1: Datagram too large %1: datagram je prevelik %1: Connection error %1: napaka povezave %1: The socket operation is not supported %1: dejanje na vtičnici ni podprto %1: Unknown error %2 %1: neznana napaka %2 %1: Unknown error %1: neznana napaka %1: Operation not permitted when socket is in this state Trying to connect while connection is in progress %1: Access denied Socket is not connected Vtičnica ni povezana. QMYSQLDriver Unable to connect Ni moč vzpostaviti povezave Unable to begin transaction Ni moč začeti transakcije Unable to commit transaction Ni moč udejaniti transakcije Unable to rollback transaction Ni moč razveljaviti transakcije Unable to allocate a MYSQL object Unable to open database '%1' QMYSQLResult Unable to fetch data Ni moč pridobiti podatkov Unable to execute query Ni moč izvesti poizvedbe Unable to store result Ni moč shraniti rezultata Unable to prepare statement Ni moč pripraviti izjave Unable to reset statement Ni moč ponastaviti izjave Unable to bind value Ni moč prikleniti vrednosti Unable to execute statement Ni moč izvesti izjave Unable to bind outvalues Ni moč prikleniti izhodnih vrednosti Unable to store statement results Ni moč shraniti rezultatov izjave Unable to execute next query Ni moč izvesti sledeče poizvedbe Unable to store next result Ni moč shraniti sledečega rezultata QMdiArea (Untitled) (neimenovano) QMdiSubWindow %1 - [%2] %1 - [%2] Close Zapri Minimize Pomanjšaj Restore Down Obnovi navzdol &Restore &Obnovi &Move &Premakni &Size &Velikost Mi&nimize Po&manjšaj Ma&ximize &Razpni Stay on &Top Ostani na &vrhu &Close &Zapri - [%1] - [%1] Maximize Razpni Unshade Razvij Shade Zvij Restore Obnovi Help Pomoč Menu Meni QMessageBox About Qt O Qt Show Details... Prikaži podrobnosti ... Hide Details... Skrij podrobnosti ... <h3>About Qt</h3><p>This program uses Qt version %1.</p> <h3>O Qt</h3><p>Ta program uporablja Qt različice %1.</p> <p>Qt is a C++ toolkit for cross-platform application development.</p><p>Qt provides single-source portability across all major desktop operating systems. It is also available for embedded Linux and other embedded and mobile operating systems.</p><p>Qt is available under multiple licensing options designed to accommodate the needs of our various users.</p><p>Qt licensed under our commercial license agreement is appropriate for development of proprietary/commercial software where you do not want to share any source code with third parties or otherwise cannot comply with the terms of GNU (L)GPL.</p><p>Qt licensed under GNU (L)GPL is appropriate for the development of Qt&nbsp;applications provided you can comply with the terms and conditions of the respective licenses.</p><p>Please see <a href="http://%2/">%2</a> for an overview of Qt licensing.</p><p>Copyright (C) %1 The Qt Company Ltd and other contributors.</p><p>Qt and the Qt logo are trademarks of The Qt Company Ltd.</p><p>Qt is The Qt Company Ltd product developed as an open source project. See <a href="http://%3/">%3</a> for more information.</p> Leave this text untranslated or include a verbatim copy of it below and note that it is the authoritative version in case of doubt. QNativeSocketEngine The remote host closed the connection Oddaljen gostitelj je prekinil povezavo Network operation timed out Čas za omrežni postopek je potekel Out of resources Zmanjkalo je virov Unsupported socket operation Nepodprto dejanje za vtičnico Protocol type not supported Vrsta protokola ni podprta Invalid socket descriptor Neveljaven opisnik vtičnice Network unreachable Omrežje ni dosegljivo Permission denied Nimate dovoljenja Connection timed out Čas za povezavo je potekel Connection refused Povezava je zavrnjena The bound address is already in use Naslov za vezavo je že v uporabi The address is not available Naslov ni na voljo The address is protected Naslov je zaščiten Unable to send a message Ni moč poslati sporočila Unable to receive a message Ni moč prejeti sporočila Unable to write Ni moč zapisovati Network error Napaka v omrežju Another socket is already listening on the same port Druga vtičnica že posluša na istih vratih Unable to initialize non-blocking socket Ni moč inicializirati ne-blokirne vtičnice Unable to initialize broadcast socket Ni moč inicializirati vtičnice za oddajanje Attempt to use IPv6 socket on a platform with no IPv6 support Poskus uporabe vtičnice IPv6 na platformi brez podpore za IPv6 Host unreachable Gostitelj ni dosegljiv Datagram was too large to send Datagram je bil prevelik za pošiljanje Operation on non-socket Dejanje na ne-vtičnici Unknown error Neznana napaka The proxy type is invalid for this operation Vrsta posrednika za to dejanje ni veljavna Temporary error Network dropped connection on reset Connection reset by peer QNetworkAccessCacheBackend Error opening %1 Napaka pri odpiranju %1 QNetworkAccessDataBackend Invalid URI: %1 Neveljaven URI: %1 QNetworkAccessDebugPipeBackend Write error writing to %1: %2 Napaka pri zapisovanju v %1: %2 Socket error on %1: %2 Napaka vtičnice na %1: %2 Remote host closed the connection prematurely on %1 Oddaljen gostitelj je predčasno prekinil povezavo na %1 QNetworkAccessFileBackend Request for opening non-local file %1 Zahtevek za odprtje ne-krajevne datoteke %1 Error opening %1: %2 Napaka pri odpiranju %1: %2 Write error writing to %1: %2 Napaka pri zapisovanju v %1: %2 Cannot open %1: Path is a directory Ni moč odpreti %1: pot je mapa Read error reading from %1: %2 Napaka pri branju iz %1: %2 QNetworkAccessFtpBackend Cannot open %1: is a directory Ni moč odpreti %1: to je mapa Logging in to %1 failed: authentication required Prijava v %1 ni uspela: potrebna je overitev Error while downloading %1: %2 Napaka med prejemanjem %1: %2 Error while uploading %1: %2 Napaka med pošiljanjem %1: %2 No suitable proxy found Najden ni bil noben primeren posrednik QNetworkReply Protocol "%1" is unknown Neznan protokol »%1« Network session error. Napaka omrežne seje. Temporary network failure. Začasna omrežna napaka. Error transferring %1 - server replied: %2 Background request not allowed. backend start error. QNetworkReplyHttpImpl Operation canceled Postopek je bil preklican No suitable proxy found Najden ni bil noben primeren posrednik QNetworkReplyImpl Operation canceled Postopek je bil preklican QNetworkSession Invalid configuration. Neveljavna nastavitev. QNetworkSessionPrivateImpl Unknown session error. Neznana napaka seje. The session was aborted by the user or system. Sejo je preklical uporabnik ali pa sistem. The requested operation is not supported by the system. Sistem ne podpira zahtevanega dejanja. The specified configuration cannot be used. Navedenih nastavitev ni moč uporabiti. Roaming was aborted or is not possible. Potovanje je bilo preklicano ali pa ni možno. QOCIDriver Unable to logon Ni se moč prijaviti Unable to initialize QOCIDriver Ni moč inicializirati Unable to begin transaction Ni moč začeti transakcije Unable to commit transaction Ni moč udejaniti transakcije Unable to rollback transaction Ni moč razveljaviti transakcije QOCIResult Unable to bind column for batch execute Ni moč prikleniti stolpca za paketno izvršitev Unable to execute batch statement Ni moč izvesti paketne izjave Unable to goto next Ni se moč prestaviti na naslednjega Unable to alloc statement Ni moč dodeliti izjave Unable to prepare statement Ni moč pripraviti izjave Unable to bind value Ni moč prikleniti vrednosti Unable to execute statement Ni moč izvesti izjave Unable to get statement type Ni moč pridobiti vrste izjave QODBCDriver Unable to connect Ni moč vzpostaviti povezave Unable to disable autocommit Ni moč onemogočiti samodejnega udejanjanja Unable to commit transaction Ni moč udejaniti transakcije Unable to rollback transaction Ni moč razveljaviti transakcije Unable to enable autocommit Ni moč omogočiti samodejnega udejanjanja Unable to connect - Driver doesn't support all functionality required Ni se moč povezati - gonilnik ne podpira vseh potrebnih zmožnosti QODBCResult QODBCResult::reset: Unable to set 'SQL_CURSOR_STATIC' as statement attribute. Please check your ODBC driver configuration QODBCResult::reset: ni moč nastaviti 'SQL_CURSOR_STATIC' kot lastnosti izjave. Preverite nastavitve gonilnika ODBC Unable to execute statement Ni moč izvesti izjave Unable to fetch next Ni moč pridobiti sledečega Unable to prepare statement Ni moč pripraviti izjave Unable to bind variable Ni moč prikleniti spremenljivke Unable to fetch last Ni moč pridobiti zadnjega Unable to fetch Ni moč pridobiti Unable to fetch first Ni moč pridobiti prvega Unable to fetch previous Ni moč pridobiti predhodnega QPSQLDriver Unable to connect Ni moč vzpostaviti povezave Could not begin transaction Ni bilo moč začeti transakcije Could not commit transaction Ni bilo moč udejaniti transakcije Could not rollback transaction Ni bilo moč razveljaviti transakcije Unable to subscribe Ni se moč naročiti Unable to unsubscribe Ni moč preklicati naročnine QPSQLResult Unable to create query Ni moč ustvariti poizvedbe Unable to prepare statement Ni moč pripraviti izjave Query results lost - probably discarded on executing another SQL query. Unable to get result Unable to send query QPageSetupWidget Millimeters (mm) Milimetri (mm) Inches (in) Palci (in) Points (pt) Pike (pt) Form Obrazec Paper Papir Page size: Velikost strani: Width: Širina: Height: Višina: Paper source: Vir papirja: Orientation Usmeritev Portrait Pokončno Landscape Ležeče Reverse landscape Obrnjeno ležeče Reverse portrait Obrnjeno pokončno Margins Robovi top margin vrhnji rob left margin levi rob right margin desni rob bottom margin spodnji rob Page Layout Page order: Pages per sheet: Pica (P̸) Didot (DD) Cicero (CC) Custom Po meri mm Unit 'Millimeter' pt Unit 'Points' in Unit 'Inch' Unit 'Pica' DD Unit 'Didot' CC Unit 'Cicero' QPageSize Custom (%1mm x %2mm) Custom size name in millimeters Custom (%1pt x %2pt) Custom size name in points Custom (%1in x %2in) Custom size name in inches Custom (%1pc x %2pc) Custom size name in picas Custom (%1DD x %2DD) Custom size name in didots Custom (%1CC x %2CC) Custom size name in ciceros %1 x %2 in Page size in 'Inch'. A0 A0 A1 A1 A2 A2 A3 A3 A4 A4 A5 A5 A6 A6 A7 A7 A8 A8 A9 A9 A10 A10 B0 B0 B1 B1 B2 B2 B3 B3 B4 B4 B5 B5 B6 B6 B7 B7 B8 B8 B9 B9 B10 B10 Executive (7.5 x 10 in) Executive (7.25 x 10.5 in) Folio (8.27 x 13 in) Legal Legal Letter / ANSI A Tabloid / ANSI B Ledger / ANSI B Custom Po meri A3 Extra A4 Extra A4 Plus A4 Small A5 Extra B5 Extra JIS B0 JIS B1 JIS B2 JIS B3 JIS B4 JIS B5 JIS B6 JIS B7 JIS B8 JIS B9 JIS B10 ANSI C ANSI D ANSI E Legal Extra Letter Extra Letter Plus Letter Small Tabloid Extra Architect A Architect B Architect C Architect D Architect E Note Quarto Statement Super A Super B Postcard Double Postcard PRC 16K PRC 32K PRC 32K Big Fan-fold US (14.875 x 11 in) Fan-fold German (8.5 x 12 in) Fan-fold German Legal (8.5 x 13 in) Envelope B4 Envelope B5 Envelope B6 Envelope C0 Envelope C1 Envelope C2 Envelope C3 Envelope C4 Envelope C5 Envelope C6 Envelope C65 Envelope C7 Envelope DL Envelope US 9 Envelope US 10 Envelope US 11 Envelope US 12 Envelope US 14 Envelope Monarch Envelope Personal Envelope Chou 3 Envelope Chou 4 Envelope Invite Envelope Italian Envelope Kaku 2 Envelope Kaku 3 Envelope PRC 1 Envelope PRC 2 Envelope PRC 3 Envelope PRC 4 Envelope PRC 5 Envelope PRC 6 Envelope PRC 7 Envelope PRC 8 Envelope PRC 9 Envelope PRC 10 Envelope You 4 QPlatformTheme OK V redu Save Shrani Save All Shrani vse Open Odpri &Yes &Da Yes to &All Da za &vse &No &Ne N&o to All N&e za vse Abort Prekini Retry Poskusi znova Ignore Close Zapri Cancel Prekliči Discard Zavrzi Help Pomoč Apply Uveljavi Reset Ponastavi Restore Defaults Obnovi privzete vrednosti QPluginLoader Unknown error Neznana napaka The plugin was not loaded. Vstavek ni bil naložen. QPrintDialog Print To File ... Natisni v datoteko ... File %1 is not writable. Please choose a different file name. V datoteko %1 ni moč pisati. Izberite drugo ime datoteke. %1 already exists. Do you want to overwrite it? %1 že obstaja. Ali jo želite nadomestiti? %1 is a directory. Please choose a different file name. %1 je mapa. Izberite drugo ime datoteke. &Options >> &Možnosti » &Print Na&tisni &Options << &Možnosti « Print to File (PDF) Natisni v datoteko (PDF) Local file Krajevna datoteka OK V redu Print Natisni The 'From' value cannot be greater than the 'To' value. Vrednost »Od« ne more biti večja od vrednosti »Do«. Left to Right, Top to Bottom Left to Right, Bottom to Top Right to Left, Bottom to Top Right to Left, Top to Bottom Bottom to Top, Left to Right Bottom to Top, Right to Left Top to Bottom, Left to Right Top to Bottom, Right to Left 1 (1x1) 2 (2x1) 4 (2x2) 6 (2x3) 9 (3x3) 16 (4x4) All Pages Odd Pages Even Pages Write PDF file Options 'Pages Per Sheet' and 'Page Set' cannot be used together. Please turn one of those options off. Invalid Pages Definition %1 does not follow the correct syntax. Please use ',' to separate ranges and pages, '-' to define ranges and make sure ranges do not intersect with each other. Duplex Settings Conflicts There are conflicts in duplex settings. Do you want to fix them? QPrintPreviewDialog Page Setup Nastavitve strani Print Preview Ogled tiskanja Next page Naslednja stran Previous page Predhodna stran First page Prva stran Last page Zadnja stran Fit width Prilagodi širini Fit page Prilagodi strani Zoom in Povečaj Zoom out Zmanjšaj Portrait Pokončno Landscape Ležeče Show single page Prikaži enojno stran Show facing pages Prikaži dve strani Show overview of all pages Prikaži ogled vseh strani Print Natisni Page setup Nastavitve strani %1% %1 % Export to PDF Izvozi v PDF QPrintPropertiesDialog Printer Properties Job Options Page Setup Conflicts There are conflicts in page setup options. Do you want to fix them? Advanced Option Conflicts There are conflicts in some advanced options. Do you want to fix them? QPrintPropertiesWidget Form Obrazec Page Stran Advanced Napredno There are conflicts in some options. Please fix them. QPrintSettingsOutput Form Obrazec Copies Izvodi Print range Obseg tiskanja Print all Natisni vse Pages from Strani od to do Selection Izbor Output Settings Nastavitve izpisa Copies: Izvodi: Collate Združi Reverse V nasprotno smer Options Možnosti Color Mode Barvni način Color Barva Grayscale Sivinsko Current Page Trenutna stran Page Set: Pages Specify pages or ranges separated by commas. Ranges are specified by two numbers separated by a hyphen. E.g: 3,5-7,9 prints pages 3, 5, 6, 7 and 9. Double Sided Printing Off Long side binding Short side binding QPrintWidget Form Obrazec Printer Tiskalnik &Name: &Ime: P&roperties &Lastnosti ... Location: Lokacija: Preview Ogled Type: Vrsta: Output &file: Izhodna d&atoteka: ... ... QProcess Could not open input redirection for reading Preusmeritve vhoda ni bilo moč odpreti za branje Could not open output redirection for writing Preusmeritve izhoda ni bilo moč odpreti za pisanje Resource error (fork failure): %1 Napaka vira (spodletela odcepitev): %1 Process operation timed out Čas za dejanje procesa je potekel Error reading from process Napaka pri branju iz procesa Error writing to process Napak pri pisanju v proces Process crashed Program se je sesul No program defined Določenega ni nobenega programa Process failed to start: %1 Proces se ni uspel zagnati: %1 Process failed to start QProgressDialog Cancel Prekliči QRegExp no error occurred ni nobene napake disabled feature used uporabljena onemogočena zmožnost bad char class syntax napačna sintaksa znakovnega razreda bad lookahead syntax napačna sintaksa pogleda naprej bad repetition syntax napačna sintaksa ponavljanja invalid octal value neveljavna osmiška vrednost missing left delim manjkajoč levi razmejitelj unexpected end nepričakovan konece met internal limit dosežena notranja omejitev invalid interval neveljaven interval invalid category neveljavna kategorija lookbehinds not supported, see QTBUG-2371 QRegularExpression no error \ at end of pattern \c at end of pattern unrecognized character follows \ numbers out of order in {} quantifier number too big in {} quantifier missing terminating ] for character class range out of order in character class internal error: unexpected repeat unrecognized character after (? or (?- POSIX named classes are supported only within a class reference to non-existent subpattern regular expression is too large internal error: code overflow lookbehind assertion is not fixed length unknown POSIX class name POSIX collating elements are not supported unrecognized character after (?P malformed \P or \p sequence unknown property name after \P or \p too many named subpatterns (maximum 10000) internal error: overran compiling workspace internal error: previously-checked referenced subpattern not found \g is not followed by a braced, angle-bracketed, or quoted name/number or by a plain number subpattern name expected different names for subpatterns of the same number are not allowed (*MARK) must have an argument \k is not followed by a braced, angle-bracketed, or quoted name \N is not supported in a class disallowed Unicode code point (>= 0xd800 && <= 0xdfff) name is too long in (*MARK), (*PRUNE), (*SKIP), or (*THEN) non-hex character in \x{} (closing brace missing?) non-octal character in \o{} (closing brace missing?) missing opening brace after \o parentheses are too deeply nested invalid range in character class parentheses are too deeply nested (stack check) escape sequence is invalid in character class quantifier does not follow a repeatable item missing closing parenthesis pattern passed as NULL unrecognised compile-time option bit(s) missing ) after (?# comment failed to allocate heap memory unmatched closing parenthesis missing closing parenthesis for condition a relative value of zero is not allowed conditional subpattern contains more than two branches assertion expected after (?( or (?(?C) digit expected after (?+ or (?- internal error in pcre2_study(): should not occur this version of PCRE2 does not have Unicode support character code point value in \x{} or \o{} is too large lookbehind is too complicated \C is not allowed in a lookbehind assertion in UTF-16 mode PCRE2 does not support \F, \L, \l, \N{name}, \U, or \u number after (?C is greater than 255 closing parenthesis for (?C expected invalid escape sequence in (*VERB) name syntax error in subpattern name (missing terminator?) two named subpatterns have the same name (PCRE2_DUPNAMES not set) subpattern name must start with a non-digit this version of PCRE2 does not have support for \P, \p, or \X subpattern name is too long (maximum 32 code units) octal value is greater than \377 in 8-bit non-UTF-8 mode DEFINE subpattern contains more than one branch internal error: unknown newline setting (?R (recursive pattern call) must be followed by a closing parenthesis obsolete error (should not occur) (*VERB) not recognized or malformed subpattern number is too big internal error: parsed pattern overflow \c must be followed by a printable ASCII character \c must be followed by a letter or one of [\]^_? internal error: unknown meta code in check_lookbehinds() callout string is too long using UTF is disabled by the application using UCP is disabled by the application character code point value in \u.... sequence is too large digits missing in \x{} or \o{} or \N{U+} syntax error or number too big in (?(VERSION condition internal error: unknown opcode in auto_possessify() missing terminating delimiter for callout with string argument unrecognized string delimiter follows (?C using \C is disabled by the application (?| and/or (?J: or (?x: parentheses are too deeply nested using \C is disabled in this PCRE2 library regular expression is too complicated lookbehind assertion is too long pattern string is longer than the limit set by the application internal error: unknown code in parsed pattern internal error: bad code value in parsed_skip() PCRE2_EXTRA_ALLOW_SURROGATE_ESCAPES is not allowed in UTF-16 mode invalid option bits with PCRE2_LITERAL \N{U+dddd} is supported only in Unicode (UTF) mode invalid hyphen in option setting (*alpha_assertion) not recognized script runs require Unicode support, which this version of PCRE2 does not have too many capturing groups (maximum 65535) atomic assertion expected after (?( or (?(?C) no match partial match UTF-8 error: 1 byte missing at end UTF-8 error: 2 bytes missing at end UTF-8 error: 3 bytes missing at end UTF-8 error: 4 bytes missing at end UTF-8 error: 5 bytes missing at end UTF-8 error: byte 2 top bits not 0x80 UTF-8 error: byte 3 top bits not 0x80 UTF-8 error: byte 4 top bits not 0x80 UTF-8 error: byte 5 top bits not 0x80 UTF-8 error: byte 6 top bits not 0x80 UTF-8 error: 5-byte character is not allowed (RFC 3629) UTF-8 error: 6-byte character is not allowed (RFC 3629) UTF-8 error: code points greater than 0x10ffff are not defined UTF-8 error: code points 0xd800-0xdfff are not defined UTF-8 error: overlong 2-byte sequence UTF-8 error: overlong 3-byte sequence UTF-8 error: overlong 4-byte sequence UTF-8 error: overlong 5-byte sequence UTF-8 error: overlong 6-byte sequence UTF-8 error: isolated byte with 0x80 bit set UTF-8 error: illegal byte (0xfe or 0xff) UTF-16 error: missing low surrogate at end UTF-16 error: invalid low surrogate UTF-16 error: isolated low surrogate UTF-32 error: code points 0xd800-0xdfff are not defined UTF-32 error: code points greater than 0x10ffff are not defined bad data value patterns do not all use the same character tables magic number missing pattern compiled in wrong mode: 8/16/32-bit error bad offset value bad option value invalid replacement string bad offset into UTF string callout error code invalid data in workspace for DFA restart too much recursion for DFA matching backreference condition or recursion test is not supported for DFA matching function is not supported for DFA matching pattern contains an item that is not supported for DFA matching workspace size exceeded in DFA matching internal error - pattern overwritten? bad JIT option JIT stack limit reached match limit exceeded no more memory unknown substring non-unique substring name NULL argument passed nested recursion at the same subject position matching depth limit exceeded requested value is not available requested value is not set offset limit set without PCRE2_USE_OFFSET_LIMIT bad escape sequence in replacement string expected closing curly bracket in replacement string bad substitution in replacement string match with end before start or start moved backwards is not supported too many replacements (more than INT_MAX) bad serialized data heap limit exceeded invalid syntax internal error - duplicate substitution match PCRE2_MATCH_INVALID_UTF is not supported for DFA matching QSQLite2Driver Unable to begin transaction Ni moč začeti transakcije Unable to commit transaction Ni moč udejaniti transakcije Error opening database Napaka pri odpiranju podatkovne zbirke Unable to rollback transaction Ni moč razveljaviti transakcije QSQLite2Result Unable to fetch results Ni moč pridobiti rezultatov Unable to execute statement Ni moč izvesti izjave QSQLiteDriver Error opening database Napaka pri odpiranju podatkovne zbirke Error closing database Napaka pri zapiranju podatkovne zbirke Unable to begin transaction Ni moč začeti transakcije Unable to commit transaction Ni moč udejaniti transakcije Unable to rollback transaction Ni moč razveljaviti transakcije QSQLiteResult Unable to fetch row Ni moč pridobiti vrstice Unable to execute statement Ni moč izvesti izjave Unable to reset statement Ni moč ponastaviti izjave Unable to bind parameters Ni moč prikleniti parametrov Parameter count mismatch Neujemanje v številu parametrov No query Brez poizvedbe Unable to execute multiple statements at a time QSaveFile Existing file %1 is not writable Filename refers to a directory Writing canceled by application QSaveFile cannot open '%1' without direct write fallback enabled. QScrollBar Scroll here Premakni sem Left edge Levi rob Top Vrh Right edge Desni rob Bottom Dno Page left Za stran levo Page up Za stran gor Page right Za stran desno Page down Za stran dol Scroll left Premakni levo Scroll up Premakni gor Scroll right Premakni desno Scroll down Premakni dol QSctpSocket The remote host closed the connection Oddaljen gostitelj je prekinil povezavo QSharedMemory %1: unable to set key on lock %1: ni moč nastaviti ključa na zaklep %1: create size is less then 0 %1: velikost je manjša od 0 %1: unable to lock %1: ni moč zakleniti %1: unable to unlock %1: ni moč odkleniti %1: permission denied %1: nimate dovoljenja %1: already exists %1: že obstaja %1: out of resources %1: zmanjkalo je virov %1: unknown error %2 %1: neznana napaka %2 %1: key is empty %1: ključ je prazen %1: ftok failed %1: funkcija ftok ni uspela %1: unable to make key %1: ni moč ustvariti ključa %1: system-imposed size restrictions %1: sistemsko vsiljene omejitve velikosti %1: not attached %1: ni pripeto %1: doesn't exist %1: ne obstaja %1: UNIX key file doesn't exist %1: UNIX-ova zaklepna datoteka ne obstaja %1: invalid size %1: neveljavna velikost %1: key error %1: napaka ključa %1: size query failed %1: poizvedba po velikosti ni uspela %1: bad name QShortcut Space This and all following "incomprehensible" strings in QShortcut context are key names. Please use the localized names appearing on actual keyboards or whatever is commonly used. Preslednica Esc Esc Tab Tabulator Backtab Tabulator nazaj Backspace Vračalka Return Return Enter Vnesi Ins Ins Del Del Pause Premor Print Natisni SysReq SysReq Home Začetek End Konec Left Levo Up Gor Right Desno Down Dol PgUp PgUp PgDown PgDown CapsLock CapsLock NumLock NumLock ScrollLock ScrollLock Menu Meni Help Pomoč Back Predhodna Forward Naslednja Stop Ustavi Refresh Osveži Volume Down Tiše Volume Mute Tiho Volume Up Glasneje Bass Boost Ojačanje basov Bass Up Več basov Bass Down Manj basov Treble Up Več visokih tonov Treble Down Manj visokih tonov Media Play Predvajaj večpredstavnost Media Stop Ustavi večpredstavnost Media Previous Predhodna večpredstavnost Media Next Naslednja večpredstavnost Media Record Snemaj večpredstavnost Favorites Priljubljeno Search Išči Standby V pripravljenost Open URL Odpri URL Launch Mail Zaženi pošto Launch Media Zaženi večpredstavnost Launch (0) Zaženi (0) Launch (1) Zaženi (1) Launch (2) Zaženi (2) Launch (3) Zaženi (3) Launch (4) Zaženi (4) Launch (5) Zaženi (5) Launch (6) Zaženi (6) Launch (7) Zaženi (7) Launch (8) Zaženi (8) Launch (9) Zaženi (9) Launch (A) Zaženi (A) Launch (B) Zaženi (B) Launch (C) Zaženi (C) Launch (D) Zaženi (D) Launch (E) Zaženi (E) Launch (F) Zaženi (F) Print Screen Natisni zaslon Page Up Za stran gor Page Down Za stran dol Caps Lock Caps Lock Num Lock Num Lock Number Lock Scroll Lock Scroll Lock Insert Vstavi Delete Izbriši Escape Escape System Request Sistemska zahteva Select Izberi Yes Da No Ne Context1 Kontekst1 Context2 Kontekst2 Context3 Kontekst3 Context4 Kontekst4 Call Button to start a call (note: a separate button is used to end the call) Pokliči Hangup Button to end a call (note: a separate button is used to start the call) Odloži Flip Obrni Ctrl Ctrl Shift Shift Alt Alt Meta Meta + Key separator in shortcut string + F%1 F%1 Home Page Domača stran Media Pause Media player pause button Prekini večpredstavnost Toggle Media Play/Pause Media player button to toggle between playing and paused Preklopi predvajanje/prekinitev večpredstavnosti Monitor Brightness Up Povečaj svetlost zaslona Monitor Brightness Down Zmanjšaj svetlost zaslona Keyboard Light On/Off Vklop/izklop lučk na tipkovnici Keyboard Brightness Up Povečaj svetlost tipkovnice Keyboard Brightness Down Zmanjšaj svetlost tipkovnice Power Off Izklopi Wake Up Zbudi Eject Izvrzi Screensaver Ohranjevalnik zaslona WWW Svetovni splet Sleep V pripravljenost LightBulb Žarnica Shop Trgovina History Zgodovina Add Favorite Dodaj priljubljeno Hot Links Vroče povezave Adjust Brightness Prilagodi svetlost Finance Finance Community Skupnost Back Forward Nazaj naprej Application Left Program levo Application Right Program desno Book Knjiga CD CD Calculator Računalo Clear Počisti Clear Grab Close Zapri Copy Skopiraj Cut Izreži Display Prikaz DOS DOS Documents Dokumenti Spreadsheet Preglednica Browser Brskalnik Game Igra Go Pojdi iTouch iTouch Logoff Odjavi Market Trg Meeting Srečanje Keyboard Menu Meni tipkovnice Menu PB My Sites Moje strani News Novice Home Office Domača pisarna Option Možnost Paste Prilepi Phone Telefon Reply Odgovori Reload Znova naloži Rotate Windows Zavrti okna Rotation PB Rotation KB Save Shrani Send Pošlji Spellchecker Črkovalnik Split Screen Razdeli zaslon Support Podpora Task Panel Opravilna vrstica Terminal Konzola Tools Orodja Travel Potovanje Video Video Word Processor Urejevalnik besedil XFer Zoom In Povečaj Zoom Out Zmanjšaj Away Odsoten Messenger Sporočilnik WebCam Spletna kamera Mail Forward Posreduj sporočilo Pictures Slike Music Glasba Battery Baterija Bluetooth Bluetooth Wireless Brezžično Ultra Wide Band Audio Repeat Zvok ponavljanje Audio Random Play Zvok naključno Subtitle Podnaslov Audio Cycle Track Time Čas View Prikaz Top Menu Vrhnji meni Suspend Ustavi Hibernate V hibernacijo Toggle Call/Hangup Button that will hang up if we're in call, or make a call if we're not. Preklopi pokliči/odloži Voice Dial Button to trigger voice dialing Glasovni klic Last Number Redial Button to redial the last number called Ponovni klic zadnje številke Camera Shutter Button to trigger the camera shutter (take a picture) Camera Focus Button to focus the camera Fokus fotoaparata Kanji Kanji Muhenkan Henkan Romaji Hiragana Hiragana Katakana Katakana Hiragana Katakana Zenkaku Hankaku Zenkaku Hankaku Touroku Massyo Kana Lock Kana Shift Eisu Shift Eisu toggle Code input Vnos kode Multiple Candidate Previous Candidate Hangul Hangul Start Hangul End Hangul Hanja Hangul Jamo Hangul Jamo Hangul Romaja Hangul Jeonja Hangul Banja Hangul PreHanja Hangul PostHanja Hangul Special Media Rewind Media Fast Forward Power Down Microphone Mute Red Green Yellow Blue Channel Up Channel Down Guide Info Settings Microphone Volume Up Microphone Volume Down New Nova Open Odpri Find Undo Razveljavi Redo Uveljavi Cancel Prekliči Printer Tiskalnik Execute Izvedi Play Zoom Exit Končaj Touchpad Toggle Touchpad On Touchpad Off Num Launch (G) Launch (H) Calendar Adjust contrast Memo To-do list QSocks5SocketEngine Network operation timed out Čas za omrežni postopek je potekel Connection to proxy refused Povezava s posrednikom je bila zavrnjena Connection to proxy closed prematurely Povezava s posrednikom je bila prekinjena predčasno Proxy host not found Ni moč najti gostitelja posrednika Connection to proxy timed out Čas za povezavo s posrednikom je potekel Proxy authentication failed Neuspešno overjanje posrednika Proxy authentication failed: %1 Neuspešno overjanje posrednika: %1 SOCKS version 5 protocol error Napaka protokola SOCKS različice 5 General SOCKSv5 server failure Splošna napaka strežnika SOCKSv5 Connection not allowed by SOCKSv5 server Strežnik SOCKSv5 ne dovoljuje povezave TTL expired TTL je zapadel SOCKSv5 command not supported Ukaz SOCKSv5 ni podprt Address type not supported Vrsta naslova ni podprta Unknown SOCKSv5 proxy error code 0x%1 Neznana koda napake posrednika SOCKSv5: 0x%1 QSpiAccessibleBridge invalid role Role of an accessible object - the object is in an invalid state or could not be constructed title bar Role of an accessible object menu bar Role of an accessible object scroll bar Role of an accessible object grip Role of an accessible object - the grip is usually used for resizing another object sound Role of an accessible object cursor Role of an accessible object text caret Role of an accessible object alert message Role of an accessible object frame Role of an accessible object: a window with frame and title ---------- Role of an accessible object filler Role of an accessible object popup menu Role of an accessible object menu item Role of an accessible object tool tip Role of an accessible object application Role of an accessible object document Role of an accessible object panel Role of an accessible object chart Role of an accessible object dialog Role of an accessible object separator Role of an accessible object tool bar Role of an accessible object status bar Role of an accessible object table Role of an accessible object column header Role of an accessible object - part of a table row header Role of an accessible object - part of a table column Role of an accessible object - part of a table row Role of an accessible object - part of a table cell Role of an accessible object - part of a table link Role of an accessible object help balloon Role of an accessible object assistant Role of an accessible object - a helper dialog list Role of an accessible object list item Role of an accessible object tree Role of an accessible object tree item Role of an accessible object page tab Role of an accessible object property page Role of an accessible object indicator Role of an accessible object graphic Role of an accessible object label Role of an accessible object text Role of an accessible object push button Role of an accessible object check box Role of an accessible object radio button Role of an accessible object combo box Role of an accessible object progress bar Role of an accessible object dial Role of an accessible object hotkey field Role of an accessible object slider Role of an accessible object spin box Role of an accessible object canvas Role of an accessible object animation Role of an accessible object equation Role of an accessible object button with drop down Role of an accessible object button menu Role of an accessible object button with drop down grid Role of an accessible object - a button that expands a grid. space Role of an accessible object - blank space between other objects. page tab list Role of an accessible object clock Role of an accessible object splitter Role of an accessible object layered pane Role of an accessible object web document Role of an accessible object paragraph Role of an accessible object section Role of an accessible object color chooser Role of an accessible object footer Role of an accessible object form Role of an accessible object heading Role of an accessible object note Role of an accessible object complementary content Role of an accessible object unknown Role of an accessible object neznano terminal Role of an accessible object desktop Role of an accessible object notification Role of an accessible object QSslDiffieHellmanParameter No error Brez napake Invalid input data The given Diffie-Hellman parameters are deemed unsafe QSslSocket Unable to write data: %1 Ni moč zapisati podatkov: %1 Error while reading: %1 Napaka med branjem: %1 Error during SSL handshake: %1 Napaka med rokovanjem SSL: %1 Error creating SSL context (%1) Napaka pri ustvarjanju konteksta SSL (%1) Invalid or empty cipher list (%1) Neveljaven ali prazen seznam šifer (%1) Error creating SSL session, %1 Napaka pri ustvarjanju seje SSL: %1 Error creating SSL session: %1 Napaka pri ustvarjanju seje SSL: %1 Cannot provide a certificate with no key, %1 Ni moč priskrbeti potrdila brez ključa, %1 Error loading local certificate, %1 Napaka pri nalaganju krajevnega potrdila, %1 Error loading private key, %1 Napaka pri nalaganju zasebnega ključa, %1 Unable to decrypt data: %1 Ni moč dešifrirati podatkov: %1 Private key does not certify public key, %1 Zasebni ključ ne potrjuje javnega ključa: %1 No error Brez napake The issuer certificate could not be found Potrdila izdajatelja ni bilo moč najti The certificate signature could not be decrypted Podpisa potrdila ni bilo moč dešifrirati The public key in the certificate could not be read Javnega ključa iz potrdila ni bilo moč prebrati The signature of the certificate is invalid Podpis potrdila ni veljaven The certificate is not yet valid Potrdilo še ni veljavno The certificate has expired Potrdilo je preteklo The certificate's notBefore field contains an invalid time Polje notBefore (ne pred) potrdila vsebuje neveljaven čas The certificate's notAfter field contains an invalid time Polje notAfter (ne po) potrdila vsebuje neveljaven čas The certificate is self-signed, and untrusted Potrdilo je samo-podpisano in nezaupano The root certificate of the certificate chain is self-signed, and untrusted Vrhnje potrdilo verige potrdil je samo-podpisano in nezaupano The issuer certificate of a locally looked up certificate could not be found Potrdila izdajatelja za krajevno najdeno potrdilo ni bilo moč najti No certificates could be verified Preveriti ni bilo moč nobenega potrdila One of the CA certificates is invalid Eno izmed potrdil avtoritete za potrdila ni veljavno The basicConstraints path length parameter has been exceeded The supplied certificate is unsuitable for this purpose Predloženo potrdilo ni primerno za ta namen The root CA certificate is not trusted for this purpose Potrdilo vrhovne avtoritete za potrdila ni zaupano za ta namen The root CA certificate is marked to reject the specified purpose Potrdilo vrhovne avtoritete za potrdila je označeno za zavrnitev navedenega namena The current candidate issuer certificate was rejected because its subject name did not match the issuer name of the current certificate The current candidate issuer certificate was rejected because its issuer name and serial number was present and did not match the authority key identifier of the current certificate The peer did not present any certificate Vrstnik ni predložil nobenega potrdila The host name did not match any of the valid hosts for this certificate Ime gostitelja se ne ujema z nobenim izmed veljavnih gostiteljev za to potrdilo Unknown error Neznana napaka Error when setting the elliptic curves (%1) unsupported protocol The peer certificate is blacklisted The TLS/SSL connection has been closed Unable to init SSL Context: %1 Error when setting the OpenSSL configuration (%1) Error while setting the minimal protocol version Error while setting the maximum protocol version Diffie-Hellman parameters are not valid OpenSSL version with disabled elliptic curves Expecting QByteArray for %1 An error occurred attempting to set %1 to %2 Wrong value for %1 (%2) Unrecognized command %1 = %2 SSL_CONF_finish() failed SSL_CONF_CTX_new() failed No OCSP status response found The OCSP status request had invalid syntax OCSP response contains an unexpected number of SingleResponse structures OCSP responder reached an inconsistent internal state OCSP responder was unable to return a status for the requested certificate The server requires the client to sign the OCSP request in order to construct a response The client is not authorized to request OCSP status from this server OCSP responder's identity cannot be verified The identity of a certificate in an OCSP response cannot be established The certificate status response has expired The certificate's status is unknown TLS initialization failed Attempted to use an unsupported protocol. Server-side QSslSocket does not support OCSP stapling Failed to enable OCSP stapling Client-side sockets do not send OCSP responses Failed to decode OCSP response Failed to extract basic OCSP response No certificate verification store, cannot verify OCSP response Failed to decode a SingleResponse from OCSP status response Failed to extract 'this update time' from the SingleResponse Insufficient memory Internal error An internal handle was invalid An internal token was invalid Access denied Dostop zavrnjen No authority could be contacted for authorization No credentials The target is unknown or unreachable An unsupported function was requested The hostname provided does not match the one received from the peer No common protocol exists between the client and the server Unexpected or badly-formatted message received The data could not be encrypted No cipher suites in common The credentials were not recognized / Invalid argument The message was tampered with, damaged or out of sequence. A message was received out of sequence. Unknown error occurred: %1 Invalid protocol chosen The certificate provided cannot be used for a client. The certificate provided cannot be used for a server. Server did not accept any certificate we could present. Algorithm mismatch Handshake failed: %1 Failed to query the TLS context: %1 Did not get the required attributes for the connection. Unwanted protocol was negotiated Renegotiation was unsuccessful: %1 Schannel failed to encrypt data: %1 Cannot provide a certificate with no key QStandardPaths Desktop Documents Dokumenti Fonts Pisave Applications Music Glasba Movies Pictures Slike Temporary Directory Home Začetek Cache Shared Data Runtime Configuration Shared Configuration Shared Cache Download Application Data Application Configuration QStateMachine Missing initial state in compound state '%1' V sestavljenem stanju »%1« manjka začetno stanje Missing default state in history state '%1' V zgodovinskem stanju »%1« manjka privzeto stanje No common ancestor for targets and source of transition from state '%1' Za cilje in začetek prehoda iz stanja »%1« ni skupnega prednika Unknown error Neznana napaka Child mode of state machine '%1' is not 'ExclusiveStates'. QSystemSemaphore %1: out of resources %1: zmanjkalo je virov %1: permission denied %1: nimate dovoljenja %1: already exists %1: že obstaja %1: does not exist %1: ne obstaja %1: unknown error %2 %1: neznana napaka %2 QTDSDriver Unable to open connection Ni moč vzpostaviti povezave Unable to use database Podatkovne zbirke ni moč uporabljati QTabBar Scroll Left Premakni levo Scroll Right Premakni desno QTcpServer Operation on socket is not supported Dejanje na vtičnici ni podprto QUdpSocket Unable to send a datagram No datagram available for reading QUndoGroup Undo %1 Undo Default text for undo action Razveljavi Redo %1 Redo Default text for redo action Uveljavi QUndoModel <empty> <prazno> QUndoStack Undo %1 Undo Default text for undo action Razveljavi Redo %1 Redo Default text for redo action Uveljavi QUnicodeControlCharacterMenu LRM Left-to-right mark LRM (oznaka z-leve-na-desno) RLM Right-to-left mark RLM (oznaka z-desne-na-levo) ZWJ Zero width joiner ZWJ (združevalec s širino nič) ZWNJ Zero width non-joiner ZWNJ (ne-združevalec s širino nič) ZWSP Zero width space ZWSP (presledek s širino nič) LRE Start of left-to-right embedding LRE (začetek vgrajevanja z leve na desno) RLE Start of right-to-left embedding RLE (začetek vgrajevanja z desne na levo) LRO Start of left-to-right override LRO (začetek nadomeščanja z leve na desno) RLO Start of right-to-left override RLO (začetek nadomeščanja z desne na levo) PDF Pop directional formatting PDF (odstrani oblikovanje usmerjenosti) Insert Unicode control character Vstavi kontrolni znak Unicode LRI Left-to-right isolate RLI Right-to-left isolate FSI First strong isolate PDI Pop directional isolate QWhatsThisAction What's This? Kaj je to? QWidget * * QWidgetTextControl &Undo &Razveljavi &Redo &Uveljavi Cu&t &Izreži &Copy S&kopiraj Copy &Link Location Skopiraj &povezavo do lokacije &Paste Pri&lepi Delete Izbriši Select All Izberi vse QWindowsDirect2DIntegration Cannot load direct2d platform plugin Qt cannot load the direct2d platform plugin because the Direct2D version on this system is too old. The minimum system requirement for this platform plugin is Windows 7 SP1 with Platform Update. The minimum Direct2D version required is %1. The Direct2D version on this system is %2. QWizard Go Back Pojdi nazaj Continue Nadaljuj Commit Uveljavi Done Opravljeno Help Pomoč < &Back < Na&zaj &Finish &Zaključi Cancel Prekliči &Help &Pomoč &Next &Naprej &Next > &Naprej > QXml no error occurred ni nobene napake error triggered by consumer napako povzročil uporabnik unexpected end of file nepričakovan konec datoteke more than one document type definition več kot ena definicija vrste dokumenta error occurred while parsing element napaka med analiziranjem elementa tag mismatch neprimerna oznaka error occurred while parsing content napaka med analiziranje vsebine unexpected character nepričakovan znak invalid name for processing instruction nepravilno ime za ukaz obdelave version expected while reading the XML declaration pričakovana različica med branjem deklaracije XML wrong value for standalone declaration napačna vrednost za samostojno deklaracijo encoding declaration or standalone declaration expected while reading the XML declaration deklaracija kodiranja ali samostojna deklaracija je bila pričakovana med branjem deklaracije XML standalone declaration expected while reading the XML declaration samostojna deklaracija pričakovana med branjem deklaracije XML error occurred while parsing document type definition napaka med analiziranjem vrste definicije dokumenta letter is expected pričakovana je črka error occurred while parsing comment napaka med analiziranjem komentarja error occurred while parsing reference napaka med analiziranjem reference internal general entity reference not allowed in DTD referenca notranje splošne entitete ni dovoljena v DTD external parsed general entity reference not allowed in attribute value referenca zunanje analizirane splošne entitete ni dovoljena v vrednosti atributa external parsed general entity reference not allowed in DTD referenca zunanje analizirane splošne entitete ni dovoljena v DTD unparsed entity reference in wrong context referenca neanalizirane entitete v napačnem kontekstu recursive entities rekurzivne entitete error in the text declaration of an external entity napaka v besedilni deklaraciji zunanje entitete QXmlStream Extra content at end of document. Dodatna vsebina na koncu dokumenta. Invalid entity value. Neveljavna vrednost entitete. Invalid XML character. Neveljaven znak XML. Sequence ']]>' not allowed in content. Zaporedje »]]>« v vsebini ni dovoljeno. Namespace prefix '%1' not declared Predpona imenskega prostora »%1« ni deklarirana Unexpected character '%1' in public id literal. Nepričakovan znak »%1« v javnem literalu ID-ja. Invalid XML version string. Neveljaven niz različice XML. Unsupported XML version. Nepodprta različica XML. %1 is an invalid encoding name. %1 ni veljavno ime kodiranja. Encoding %1 is unsupported Kodiranje %1 ni podprto Standalone accepts only yes or no. Samostojni (standalone) sprejema samo da (yes) ali ne (no). Invalid attribute in XML declaration. Neveljaven atribut v deklaraciji XML. Premature end of document. Predčasen konec dokumenta. Invalid document. Neveljaven dokument.. Expected character data. Pričakoval znakovne podatke. Start tag expected. Pričakovana je bila začetna oznaka. XML declaration not at start of document. Deklaracija XML ni na začetku dokumenta. NDATA in parameter entity declaration. NDATA v parametru deklaracije entitete. %1 is an invalid processing instruction name. %1 ni veljavno ime ukaza obdelave. Invalid processing instruction name. Neveljavno ime ukaza obdelave. Illegal namespace declaration. Neveljavna deklaracija imenskega prostora. Invalid XML name. Neveljavno ime XML. Opening and ending tag mismatch. Začetni in zaključni oznaki se ne ujemata. Reference to unparsed entity '%1'. Referenca na nerazčlenjeno entiteto »%1«. Entity '%1' not declared. Entiteta »%1« ni deklarirana. Reference to external entity '%1' in attribute value. Referenca na zunanjo entiteto »%1« v vrednosti lastnosti. Invalid character reference. Neveljavna znakovna referenca. Encountered incorrectly encoded content. Naletel na napačno zakodirano vsebino. The standalone pseudo attribute must appear after the encoding. Samostojni psevdo-atribut se mora pojaviti za kodiranjem. %1 is an invalid PUBLIC identifier. %1 ni veljaven javni identifikator. Attribute '%1' redefined. '%1' expected '<first option>' %1 or '%2' expected <first option>, '<second option>' %1, '%2' expected <options so far>, '<next option>' %1, or '%2' expected <options so far>, or '<final option>' Expected %1, but got '%2'. Unexpected '%1'. Self-referencing entity detected. Entity expands to more characters than the entity expansion limit.