;; @file ; IPRT - X86 and AMD64 Structures and Definitions that are not automatically ; converted from the C header file. ; ; ; Copyright (C) 2012-2023 Oracle and/or its affiliates. ; ; This file is part of VirtualBox base platform packages, as ; available from https://www.virtualbox.org. ; ; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License ; as published by the Free Software Foundation, in version 3 of the ; License. ; ; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ; General Public License for more details. ; ; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ; along with this program; if not, see . ; ; The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms ; of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0 ; (CDDL), a copy of it is provided in the "COPYING.CDDL" file included ; in the VirtualBox distribution, in which case the provisions of the ; CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL. ; ; You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the ; terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both. ; ; SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only OR CDDL-1.0 ; %ifndef ___iprt_x86extra_mac %define ___iprt_x86extra_mac %define X86_XCPT_DE 0x00 %define X86_XCPT_DB 0x01 %define X86_XCPT_NMI 0x02 %define X86_XCPT_BP 0x03 %define X86_XCPT_OF 0x04 %define X86_XCPT_BR 0x05 %define X86_XCPT_UD 0x06 %define X86_XCPT_NM 0x07 %define X86_XCPT_DF 0x08 %define X86_XCPT_CO_SEG_OVERRUN 0x09 %define X86_XCPT_TS 0x0a %define X86_XCPT_NP 0x0b %define X86_XCPT_SS 0x0c %define X86_XCPT_GP 0x0d %define X86_XCPT_PF 0x0e %define X86_XCPT_MF 0x10 %define X86_XCPT_AC 0x11 %define X86_XCPT_MC 0x12 %define X86_XCPT_XF 0x13 %define X86_XCPT_VE 0x14 %define X86_XCPT_SX 0x1f %define PAGE_SIZE 0x1000 ;; Same a ~(X86_CR0_PE | X86_CR0_PG) except it won't cause assembler warnings. %define X86_CR0_NO_PE_NO_PG 0x7ffffffe ;; ; 32-bit protected mode fstenv image. ; struc X86FSTENV32P .FCW resw 1 .padding1 resw 1 .FSW resw 1 .padding2 resw 1 .FTW resw 1 .padding3 resw 1 .FPUIP resd 1 .FPUCS resw 1 .FOP resw 1 .FPUDP resd 1 .FPUDS resw 1 .padding4 resw 1 endstruc ;; ; The image saved by FXSAVE. ; struc X86FXSTATE .FCW resw 1 .FSW resw 1 .FTW resw 1 .FOP resw 1 .FPUIP resd 1 .FPUCS resw 1 .Rsrvd1 resw 1 .FPUDP resd 1 .FPUDS resw 1 .Rsrvd2 resw 1 .MXCSR resd 1 .MXCSR_MASK resd 1 .st0 resd 4 .st1 resd 4 .st2 resd 4 .st3 resd 4 .st4 resd 4 .st5 resd 4 .st6 resd 4 .st7 resd 4 .xmm0 resd 4 .xmm1 resd 4 .xmm2 resd 4 .xmm3 resd 4 .xmm4 resd 4 .xmm5 resd 4 .xmm6 resd 4 .xmm7 resd 4 .xmm8 resd 4 .xmm9 resd 4 .xmm10 resd 4 .xmm11 resd 4 .xmm12 resd 4 .xmm13 resd 4 .xmm14 resd 4 .xmm15 resd 4 .au32RsrvdRest resd 24 endstruc struc X86TSS16 .selPrev resw 1 .sp0 resw 1 .ss0 resw 1 .sp1 resw 1 .ss1 resw 1 .sp2 resw 1 .ss2 resw 1 .ip resw 1 .flags resw 1 .ax resw 1 .cx resw 1 .dx resw 1 .bx resw 1 .sp resw 1 .bp resw 1 .si resw 1 .di resw 1 .es resw 1 .cs resw 1 .ss resw 1 .ds resw 1 .selLdt resw 1 endstruc AssertCompileSize(X86TSS16, 44) struc X86TSS32 .selPrev resw 1 .padding1 resw 1 .esp0 resd 1 .ss0 resw 1 .padding_ss0 resw 1 .esp1 resd 1 .ss1 resw 1 .padding_ss1 resw 1 .esp2 resd 1 .ss2 resw 1 .padding_ss2 resw 1 .cr3 resd 1 .eip resd 1 .eflags resd 1 .eax resd 1 .ecx resd 1 .edx resd 1 .ebx resd 1 .esp resd 1 .ebp resd 1 .esi resd 1 .edi resd 1 .es resw 1 .padding_es resw 1 .cs resw 1 .padding_cs resw 1 .ss resw 1 .padding_ss resw 1 .ds resw 1 .padding_ds resw 1 .fs resw 1 .padding_fs resw 1 .gs resw 1 .padding_gs resw 1 .selLdt resw 1 .padding_ldt resw 1 .fDebugTrap resw 1 .offIoBitmap resw 1 ;.IntRedirBitmap resb 32 - this is optional. endstruc AssertCompileSize(X86TSS32,104) struc X86TSS64 .u32Reserved resd 1 .rsp0 resq 1 .rsp1 resq 1 .rsp2 resq 1 .u32Reserved2 resd 2 .ist1 resq 1 .ist2 resq 1 .ist3 resq 1 .ist4 resq 1 .ist5 resq 1 .ist6 resq 1 .ist7 resq 1 .u16Reserved resw 5 .offIoBitmap resw 1 ;.IntRedirBitmap resb 32 - this isn't really there!! VBox addition for x86TSS32 structure compatibility in x86.h. endstruc AssertCompileSize(X86TSS64, 104) ;; @name Helper values for the X86_MKOP_XXX macros. ;; @{ %define X86_MKOP_GREG8_al 0 %define X86_MKOP_GREG8_cl 1 %define X86_MKOP_GREG8_dl 2 %define X86_MKOP_GREG8_bl 3 %define X86_MKOP_GREG8_ah 4 %define X86_MKOP_GREG8_ch 5 %define X86_MKOP_GREG8_dh 6 %define X86_MKOP_GREG8_bh 7 %define X86_MKOP_GREG8_spl 20 %define X86_MKOP_GREG8_bpl 21 %define X86_MKOP_GREG8_sil 22 %define X86_MKOP_GREG8_dil 23 %define X86_MKOP_GREG8_r8b 8 %define X86_MKOP_GREG8_r9b 9 %define X86_MKOP_GREG8_r10b 10 %define X86_MKOP_GREG8_r11b 11 %define X86_MKOP_GREG8_r12b 12 %define X86_MKOP_GREG8_r13b 13 %define X86_MKOP_GREG8_r14b 14 %define X86_MKOP_GREG8_r15b 15 %define X86_MKOP_GREG16_ax 0 %define X86_MKOP_GREG16_cx 1 %define X86_MKOP_GREG16_dx 2 %define X86_MKOP_GREG16_bx 3 %define X86_MKOP_GREG16_sp 4 %define X86_MKOP_GREG16_bp 5 %define X86_MKOP_GREG16_si 6 %define X86_MKOP_GREG16_di 7 %define X86_MKOP_GREG16_r8w 8 %define X86_MKOP_GREG16_r9w 9 %define X86_MKOP_GREG16_r10w 10 %define X86_MKOP_GREG16_r11w 11 %define X86_MKOP_GREG16_r12w 12 %define X86_MKOP_GREG16_r13w 13 %define X86_MKOP_GREG16_r14w 14 %define X86_MKOP_GREG16_r15w 15 %define X86_MKOP_GREG32_eax 0 %define X86_MKOP_GREG32_ecx 1 %define X86_MKOP_GREG32_edx 2 %define X86_MKOP_GREG32_ebx 3 %define X86_MKOP_GREG32_esp 4 %define X86_MKOP_GREG32_ebp 5 %define X86_MKOP_GREG32_esi 6 %define X86_MKOP_GREG32_edi 7 %define X86_MKOP_GREG32_r8d 8 %define X86_MKOP_GREG32_r9d 9 %define X86_MKOP_GREG32_r10d 10 %define X86_MKOP_GREG32_r11d 11 %define X86_MKOP_GREG32_r12d 12 %define X86_MKOP_GREG32_r13d 13 %define X86_MKOP_GREG32_r14d 14 %define X86_MKOP_GREG32_r15d 15 %define X86_MKOP_GREG64_rax 0 %define X86_MKOP_GREG64_rcx 1 %define X86_MKOP_GREG64_rdx 2 %define X86_MKOP_GREG64_rbx 3 %define X86_MKOP_GREG64_rsp 4 %define X86_MKOP_GREG64_rbp 5 %define X86_MKOP_GREG64_rsi 6 %define X86_MKOP_GREG64_rdi 7 %define X86_MKOP_GREG64_r8 8 %define X86_MKOP_GREG64_r9 9 %define X86_MKOP_GREG64_r10 10 %define X86_MKOP_GREG64_r11 11 %define X86_MKOP_GREG64_r12 12 %define X86_MKOP_GREG64_r13 13 %define X86_MKOP_GREG64_r14 14 %define X86_MKOP_GREG64_r15 15 ;; @} ;; ; Encodes the MODRM byte for an instruction with 8-bit operand size. ; @param 1 The MODRM.MOD value (X86_MOD_REG, X86_MOD_MEM0, X86_MOD_MEM1, X86_MOD_MEM4). ; @param 2 The MODRM.REG register mnemonic. ; @param 3 The MODRM.RM register mnemonic. %macro X86_MKOP_MODRM8 3 %assign x86_mkop_modrm8_iReg X86_MKOP_GREG8_ %+ %2 %assign x86_mkop_modrm8_iRm X86_MKOP_GREG8_ %+ %3 db X86_MODRM_MAKE(%1, x86_mkop_modrm8_iReg & 7, x86_mkop_modrm8_iRm & 7) %endmacro ;; ; Encodes the optional REX prefix for an instruction with 8-bit operand size. ; @param 1 The MODRM.REG register mnemonic. ; @param 2 The MODRM.RM register mnemonic. %macro X86_MKOP_REX8 2 %assign x86_mkop_rex8_iReg X86_MKOP_GREG8_ %+ %1 %assign x86_mkop_rex8_iRm X86_MKOP_GREG8_ %+ %2 %if x86_mkop_rex8_iReg >= 8 || x86_mkop_rex8_iRm >= 8 %if __BITS__ == 64 %if (x86_mkop_rex8_iReg < 4 || x86_mkop_rex8_iReg >= 8) && (x86_mkop_rex8_iRm < 4 || x86_mkop_rex8_iRm >= 8) db X86_OP_REX | (((x86_mkop_rex8_iReg >> 3) & 1) * X86_OP_REX_R) | (((x86_mkop_rex8_iRm >> 3) & 1) * X86_OP_REX_B) %else %error X86_MKOP_REX8: Invalid operand mix: %1, %2 %endif %else %error X86_MKOP_REX8: not in 64-bit code: %1, %2 %endif %endif %endmacro ;; ; Encodes the MODRM byte for an instruction with 16-bit operand size. ; @param 1 The MODRM.MOD value (X86_MOD_REG, X86_MOD_MEM0, X86_MOD_MEM1, X86_MOD_MEM4). ; @param 2 The MODRM.REG register mnemonic. ; @param 3 The MODRM.RM register mnemonic. %macro X86_MKOP_MODRM16 3 %assign x86_mkop_modrm16_iReg X86_MKOP_GREG16_ %+ %2 %assign x86_mkop_modrm16_iRm X86_MKOP_GREG16_ %+ %3 db X86_MODRM_MAKE(%1, x86_mkop_modrm16_iReg & 7, x86_mkop_modrm16_iRm & 7) %endmacro ;; ; Encodes the optional REX prefix for an instruction with 16-bit operand size. ; @param 1 The MODRM.REG register mnemonic. ; @param 2 The MODRM.RM register mnemonic. %macro X86_MKOP_REX16 2 %assign x86_mkop_rex16_iReg X86_MKOP_GREG16_ %+ %1 %assign x86_mkop_rex16_iRm X86_MKOP_GREG16_ %+ %2 %if x86_mkop_rex16_iReg >= 8 || x86_mkop_rex16_iRm >= 8 %if __BITS__ == 64 db X86_OP_REX | ((x86_mkop_rex16_iReg >> 3) * X86_OP_REX_R) | ((x86_mkop_rex16_iRm >> 3) * X86_OP_REX_B) %else %error X86_MKOP_REX16: not in 64-bit code: %1, %2 %endif %endif %endmacro ;; ; Encodes the MODRM byte for an instruction with 32-bit operand size. ; @param 1 The MODRM.MOD value (X86_MOD_REG, X86_MOD_MEM0, X86_MOD_MEM1, X86_MOD_MEM4). ; @param 2 The MODRM.REG register mnemonic. ; @param 3 The MODRM.RM register mnemonic. %macro X86_MKOP_MODRM32 3 %assign x86_mkop_modrm32_iReg X86_MKOP_GREG32_ %+ %2 %assign x86_mkop_modrm32_iRm X86_MKOP_GREG32_ %+ %3 db X86_MODRM_MAKE(%1, x86_mkop_modrm32_iReg & 7, x86_mkop_modrm32_iRm & 7) %endmacro ;; ; Encodes the optional REX prefix for an instruction with 32-bit operand size. ; @param 1 The MODRM.REG register mnemonic. ; @param 2 The MODRM.RM register mnemonic. %macro X86_MKOP_REX32 2 %assign x86_mkop_rex32_iReg X86_MKOP_GREG32_ %+ %1 %assign x86_mkop_rex32_iRm X86_MKOP_GREG32_ %+ %2 %if x86_mkop_rex32_iReg >= 8 || x86_mkop_rex32_iRm >= 8 %if __BITS__ == 64 db X86_OP_REX | ((x86_mkop_rex32_iReg >> 3) * X86_OP_REX_R) | ((x86_mkop_rex32_iRm >> 3) * X86_OP_REX_B) %else %error X86_MKOP_REX32: not in 64-bit code: %1, %2 %endif %endif %endmacro ;; ; Encodes the MODRM byte for an instruction with 64-bit operand size. ; @param 1 The MODRM.MOD value (X86_MOD_REG, X86_MOD_MEM0, X86_MOD_MEM1, X86_MOD_MEM4). ; @param 2 The MODRM.REG register mnemonic. ; @param 3 The MODRM.RM register mnemonic. %macro X86_MKOP_MODRM64 3 %assign x86_mkop_modrm64_iReg X86_MKOP_GREG64_ %+ %2 %assign x86_mkop_modrm64_iRm X86_MKOP_GREG64_ %+ %3 db X86_MODRM_MAKE(%1, x86_mkop_modrm64_iReg & 7, x86_mkop_modrm64_iRm & 7) %endmacro ;; ; Encodes the REX prefix for an instruction with 64-bit operand size. ; @param 1 The MODRM.REG register mnemonic. ; @param 2 The MODRM.RM register mnemonic. %macro X86_MKOP_REX64 2 %assign x86_mkop_rex64_iReg X86_MKOP_GREG64_ %+ %1 %assign x86_mkop_rex64_iRm X86_MKOP_GREG64_ %+ %2 %if __BITS__ == 64 db X86_OP_REX_W | ((x86_mkop_rex64_iReg >> 3) * X86_OP_REX_R) | ((x86_mkop_rex64_iRm >> 3) * X86_OP_REX_B) %else %error X86_MKOP_REX64: not in 64-bit code: %1, %2 %endif %endmacro %endif