#if !defined(Q_WS_WIN) #if defined(Q_WS_WIN) #endif #if #endif /* * DO NOT EDIT! This is a generated file. * * Qt-based wrappers for VirtualBox Main API (COM) enums. * Generated from XIDL (XML interface definition). * * Source : src/VBox/Main/idl/VirtualBox.xidl * Generator : src/VBox/Frontends/VirtualBox/src/globals/COMWrappers.xsl */ #ifndef ____h___ #define ____h___ /* GUI includes: */ #include "QMetaType" /* enum: */ enum { = , _Max }; /* Let QMetaType know about the generated enum: */ Q_DECLARE_METATYPE( ) #endif /* ____h___ */ /* * DO NOT EDIT! This is a generated file. * * Qt-based wrappers definitions for VirtualBox Main API (COM) interfaces. * Generated from XIDL (XML interface definition). * * Source : src/VBox/Main/idl/VirtualBox.xidl * Generator : src/VBox/Frontends/VirtualBox/src/globals/COMWrappers.xsl */ #include "VBox/com/VirtualBox.h" /* * DO NOT EDIT! This is a generated file. * * Qt-based wrapper declaration for VirtualBox Main API (COM) interface. * Generated from XIDL (XML interface definition). * * Source : src/VBox/Main/idl/VirtualBox.xidl * Generator : src/VBox/Frontends/VirtualBox/src/globals/COMWrappers.xsl */ #ifndef __C _h__ #define __C _h__ /* Qt includes: */ #include <QList> #include <QRect> #include <QStringList> /* GUI includes: */ #include "COMDefs.h" #include "UILibraryDefs.h" /* VirtualBox interface declarations: */ #ifndef VBOX_WITH_LESS_VIRTUALBOX_INCLUDING # include <VBox/com/VirtualBox.h> #else COM_STRUCT_OR_CLASS(); #endif /* Forward declarations: */ class C ; /* Interface forward declaration: */ COM_STRUCT_OR_CLASS(I ); /* Interface wrapper declaration: */ class SHARED_LIBRARY_STUFF C : public CInterface< > { public: typedef CInterface< > Base; }; /* Let QMetaType know about generated interface: */ Q_DECLARE_METATYPE( ); /* Declare safe-array: */ typedef QVector<C > C Vector; #endif /* __C _h__ */ void SetExtraDataBool(const QString &strKey, bool fValue); bool GetExtraDataBool(const QString &strKey, bool fDef = true); void SetExtraDataInt(const QString &strKey, int value); int GetExtraDataInt(const QString &strKey, int def = 0); void SetExtraDataRect(const QString &strKey, const QRect &value); QRect GetExtraDataRect(const QString &strKey, const QRect &def = QRect()); void SetExtraDataStringList(const QString &strKey, const QStringList &value); QStringList GetExtraDataStringList(const QString &strKey, QStringList def = QStringList()); void SetExtraDataIntList(const QString &strKey, const QList<int> &value); QList<int> GetExtraDataIntList(const QString &strKey, QList<int> def = QList<int>()); /* Constructors and assignments taking CUnknown and raw iface pointer: */ C (); ~C (); template<class OI, class OB> explicit C (const CInterface<OI, OB> & that) { attach(that.raw()); if (SUCCEEDED(mRC)) { mRC = that.lastRC(); setErrorInfo(that.errorInfo()); } } C (const C & that); template<class OI> explicit C (OI * aIface) { attach(aIface); } explicit C ( * aIface); template<class OI, class OB> C & operator=(const CInterface<OI, OB> & that) { attach(that.raw()); if (SUCCEEDED(mRC)) { mRC = that.lastRC(); setErrorInfo(that.errorInfo()); } return *this; } C & operator=(const C & that); template<class OI> C & operator=(OI * aIface) { attach(aIface); return *this; } C & operator=( * aIface); #ifdef VBOX_WITH_LESS_VIRTUALBOX_INCLUDING const IID &getIID() const RT_OVERRIDE; #endif /* Attributes (properties): */ /* Methods: */ /* ExtraData helpers: */ /* Friend wrappers: */ friend class CUnknown; friend class C ; friend class C ; #include "C .h" // wrapper C ::C () {} C ::~C () {} C ::C (const C &that) : Base(that) {} C ::C ( *pIface) : Base(pIface) {} C & C ::operator=(const C &that) { Base::operator=(that); return *this; } C & C ::operator=( *pIface) { Base::operator=(pIface); return *this; } #ifdef VBOX_WITH_LESS_VIRTUALBOX_INCLUDING const IID &C ::getIID() const { return COM_IIDOF( ); } #endif void C ::SetExtraDataBool(const QString &strKey, bool fValue) { SetExtraData(strKey, fValue == true ? "true" : "false"); } bool C ::GetExtraDataBool(const QString &strKey, bool fDef /* = true */) { bool fResult = fDef; QString value = GetExtraData(strKey); if ( value == "true" || value == "on" || value == "yes") fResult = true; else if ( value == "false" || value == "off" || value == "no") fResult = false; return fResult; } void C ::SetExtraDataInt(const QString &strKey, int value) { SetExtraData(strKey, QString::number(value)); } int C ::GetExtraDataInt(const QString &strKey, int def /* = 0 */) { QString value = GetExtraData(strKey); bool fOk; int result = value.toInt(&fOk); if (fOk) return result; return def; } void C ::SetExtraDataRect(const QString &strKey, const QRect &value) { SetExtraData(strKey, QString("%1,%2,%3,%4") .arg(value.x()) .arg(value.y()) .arg(value.width()) .arg(value.height())); } QRect C ::GetExtraDataRect(const QString &strKey, const QRect &def /* = QRect() */) { QRect result = def; QList<int> intList = GetExtraDataIntList(strKey); if (intList.size() == 4) { result.setRect(intList.at(0), intList.at(1), intList.at(2), intList.at(3)); } return result; } void C ::SetExtraDataStringList(const QString &strKey, const QStringList &value) { SetExtraData(strKey, value.join(",")); } QStringList C ::GetExtraDataStringList(const QString &strKey, QStringList def /* = QStringList() */) { QString strValue = GetExtraData(strKey); if (strValue.isEmpty()) return def; else return strValue.split(","); } void C ::SetExtraDataIntList(const QString &strKey, const QList<int> &value) { QStringList strList; for (int i=0; i < value.size(); ++i) strList << QString::number(value.at(i)); SetExtraDataStringList(strKey, strList); } QList<int> C ::GetExtraDataIntList(const QString &strKey, QList<int> def /* = QList<int>() */) { QStringList strList = GetExtraDataStringList(strKey); if (strList.size() > 0) { QList<int> intList; bool fOk; for (int i=0; i < strList.size(); ++i) { intList << strList.at(i).toInt(&fOk); if (!fOk) return def; } return intList; } return def; } /* ExtraData helpers: */ void C :: { AssertReturnVoid(ptr()); } ; C :: { a ; AssertReturn(ptr(), a ); return a ; } ; More than one return value in method: :: Set ( a ) Get ( ) const ( a , ) const mRC = ptr()-> COMSETTER( COMGETTER( )( ( , ); #ifdef RT_OS_WINDOWS Assert(mRC != RPC_E_WRONG_THREAD); Assert(mRC != CO_E_NOTINITIALIZED); Assert(mRC != RPC_E_CANTCALLOUT_ININPUTSYNCCALL); #endif , COMBaseWithEI if (RT_UNLIKELY(mRC != S_OK)) { fetchErrorInfo(ptr(), &COM_IIDOF(Base::Iface)); AssertMsg(errInfo.isFullAvailable(), ("for RC=0x%08X\n", mRC)); } ComSafeArrayAsInParam( ) ComSafeArrayAsOutParam( ) BSTRIn(a ) BSTROut(a ) GuidAsBStrIn(a ) GuidAsBStrOut(a ) ( _T) a ENUMOut<K , _T>(a ) a .ptr() Parameter type is not currently supported a &a #include " .h" either 'safearray' or 'mod' attribute is allowed, but not both! BOOL * BYTE * SHORT * USHORT * LONG * LONG64 * ULONG * ULONG64 * attribute 'mod= ' cannot be used with type QVector< QUuid attribute 'mod= ' cannot be used with type > of attribute 'mod' is invalid! QVector< HRESULT BOOL BYTE SHORT USHORT LONG LONG64 ULONG ULONG64 CHAR CHAR * OLECHAR QString QUuid CUnknown Unknown parameter type: > = NULL = NULL = NULL = NULL = NULL = NULL = NULL = NULL attribute 'mod= ' cannot be used with type attribute 'mod= ' cannot be used with type of attribute 'mod' is invalid! = S_OK = FALSE = 0 = 0 = 0 = 0 = 0 = 0 = 0 = 0 = NULL = 0 const & const & & & BOOL * BYTE * SHORT * USHORT * LONG * LONG64 * ULONG * ULONG64 * attribute 'mod= ' cannot be used with type BSTR attribute 'mod= ' cannot be used with type of attribute 'mod' is invalid! HRESULT BOOL BYTE SHORT USHORT LONG LONG64 ULONG ULONG64 CHAR CHAR * OLECHAR BSTR GUID IUnknown * * Unknown parameter type: com::SafeIfaceArray <IUnknown> com::SafeIfaceArray < > com::SafeArray < _T> com::SafeGUIDArray com::SafeArray < > ; ToSafeIfaceArray( ToSafeArray( a , ); IUnknown FromSafeIfaceArray( FromSafeArray( , a ); a Invalid when value: