/* $Id: VBoxGLSupportInfo.cpp 33540 2010-10-28 09:27:05Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * * VBox frontends: Qt GUI ("VirtualBox"): * OpenGL support info used for 2D support detection */ /* * Copyright (C) 2009 Oracle Corporation * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. */ #ifdef VBOX_WITH_PRECOMPILED_HEADERS # include "precomp.h" #else /* !VBOX_WITH_PRECOMPILED_HEADERS */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "VBoxFBOverlayCommon.h" #endif /* !VBOX_WITH_PRECOMPILED_HEADERS */ /*****************/ /* functions */ PFNVBOXVHWA_ACTIVE_TEXTURE vboxglActiveTexture = NULL; PFNVBOXVHWA_MULTI_TEX_COORD2I vboxglMultiTexCoord2i = NULL; PFNVBOXVHWA_MULTI_TEX_COORD2D vboxglMultiTexCoord2d = NULL; PFNVBOXVHWA_MULTI_TEX_COORD2F vboxglMultiTexCoord2f = NULL; PFNVBOXVHWA_CREATE_SHADER vboxglCreateShader = NULL; PFNVBOXVHWA_SHADER_SOURCE vboxglShaderSource = NULL; PFNVBOXVHWA_COMPILE_SHADER vboxglCompileShader = NULL; PFNVBOXVHWA_DELETE_SHADER vboxglDeleteShader = NULL; PFNVBOXVHWA_CREATE_PROGRAM vboxglCreateProgram = NULL; PFNVBOXVHWA_ATTACH_SHADER vboxglAttachShader = NULL; PFNVBOXVHWA_DETACH_SHADER vboxglDetachShader = NULL; PFNVBOXVHWA_LINK_PROGRAM vboxglLinkProgram = NULL; PFNVBOXVHWA_USE_PROGRAM vboxglUseProgram = NULL; PFNVBOXVHWA_DELETE_PROGRAM vboxglDeleteProgram = NULL; PFNVBOXVHWA_IS_SHADER vboxglIsShader = NULL; PFNVBOXVHWA_GET_SHADERIV vboxglGetShaderiv = NULL; PFNVBOXVHWA_IS_PROGRAM vboxglIsProgram = NULL; PFNVBOXVHWA_GET_PROGRAMIV vboxglGetProgramiv = NULL; PFNVBOXVHWA_GET_ATTACHED_SHADERS vboxglGetAttachedShaders = NULL; PFNVBOXVHWA_GET_SHADER_INFO_LOG vboxglGetShaderInfoLog = NULL; PFNVBOXVHWA_GET_PROGRAM_INFO_LOG vboxglGetProgramInfoLog = NULL; PFNVBOXVHWA_GET_UNIFORM_LOCATION vboxglGetUniformLocation = NULL; PFNVBOXVHWA_UNIFORM1F vboxglUniform1f = NULL; PFNVBOXVHWA_UNIFORM2F vboxglUniform2f = NULL; PFNVBOXVHWA_UNIFORM3F vboxglUniform3f = NULL; PFNVBOXVHWA_UNIFORM4F vboxglUniform4f = NULL; PFNVBOXVHWA_UNIFORM1I vboxglUniform1i = NULL; PFNVBOXVHWA_UNIFORM2I vboxglUniform2i = NULL; PFNVBOXVHWA_UNIFORM3I vboxglUniform3i = NULL; PFNVBOXVHWA_UNIFORM4I vboxglUniform4i = NULL; PFNVBOXVHWA_GEN_BUFFERS vboxglGenBuffers = NULL; PFNVBOXVHWA_DELETE_BUFFERS vboxglDeleteBuffers = NULL; PFNVBOXVHWA_BIND_BUFFER vboxglBindBuffer = NULL; PFNVBOXVHWA_BUFFER_DATA vboxglBufferData = NULL; PFNVBOXVHWA_MAP_BUFFER vboxglMapBuffer = NULL; PFNVBOXVHWA_UNMAP_BUFFER vboxglUnmapBuffer = NULL; PFNVBOXVHWA_IS_FRAMEBUFFER vboxglIsFramebuffer = NULL; PFNVBOXVHWA_BIND_FRAMEBUFFER vboxglBindFramebuffer = NULL; PFNVBOXVHWA_DELETE_FRAMEBUFFERS vboxglDeleteFramebuffers = NULL; PFNVBOXVHWA_GEN_FRAMEBUFFERS vboxglGenFramebuffers = NULL; PFNVBOXVHWA_CHECK_FRAMEBUFFER_STATUS vboxglCheckFramebufferStatus = NULL; PFNVBOXVHWA_FRAMEBUFFER_TEXTURE1D vboxglFramebufferTexture1D = NULL; PFNVBOXVHWA_FRAMEBUFFER_TEXTURE2D vboxglFramebufferTexture2D = NULL; PFNVBOXVHWA_FRAMEBUFFER_TEXTURE3D vboxglFramebufferTexture3D = NULL; PFNVBOXVHWA_GET_FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_PARAMETRIV vboxglGetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv = NULL; #define VBOXVHWA_GETPROCADDRESS(_c, _t, _n) ((_t)(uintptr_t)(_c).getProcAddress(QString(_n))) #define VBOXVHWA_PFNINIT_SAME(_c, _t, _v, _rc) \ do { \ if((vboxgl##_v = VBOXVHWA_GETPROCADDRESS(_c, _t, "gl"#_v)) == NULL) \ { \ VBOXQGLLOGREL(("ERROR: '%s' function not found\n", "gl"#_v));\ AssertBreakpoint(); \ if((vboxgl##_v = VBOXVHWA_GETPROCADDRESS(_c, _t, "gl"#_v"ARB")) == NULL) \ { \ VBOXQGLLOGREL(("ERROR: '%s' function not found\n", "gl"#_v"ARB"));\ AssertBreakpoint(); \ if((vboxgl##_v = VBOXVHWA_GETPROCADDRESS(_c, _t, "gl"#_v"EXT")) == NULL) \ { \ VBOXQGLLOGREL(("ERROR: '%s' function not found\n", "gl"#_v"EXT"));\ AssertBreakpoint(); \ (_rc)++; \ } \ } \ } \ }while(0) #define VBOXVHWA_PFNINIT(_c, _t, _v, _f,_rc) \ do { \ if((vboxgl##_v = VBOXVHWA_GETPROCADDRESS(_c, _t, "gl"#_f)) == NULL) \ { \ VBOXQGLLOGREL(("ERROR: '%s' function is not found\n", "gl"#_f));\ AssertBreakpoint(); \ (_rc)++; \ } \ }while(0) #define VBOXVHWA_PFNINIT_OBJECT_ARB(_c, _t, _v, _rc) \ do { \ if((vboxgl##_v = VBOXVHWA_GETPROCADDRESS(_c, _t, "gl"#_v"ObjectARB")) == NULL) \ { \ VBOXQGLLOGREL(("ERROR: '%s' function is not found\n", "gl"#_v"ObjectARB"));\ AssertBreakpoint(); \ (_rc)++; \ } \ }while(0) #define VBOXVHWA_PFNINIT_ARB(_c, _t, _v, _rc) \ do { \ if((vboxgl##_v = VBOXVHWA_GETPROCADDRESS(_c, _t, "gl"#_v"ARB")) == NULL) \ { \ VBOXQGLLOGREL(("ERROR: '%s' function is not found\n", "gl"#_v"ARB"));\ AssertBreakpoint(); \ (_rc)++; \ } \ }while(0) #define VBOXVHWA_PFNINIT_EXT(_c, _t, _v, _rc) \ do { \ if((vboxgl##_v = VBOXVHWA_GETPROCADDRESS(_c, _t, "gl"#_v"EXT")) == NULL) \ { \ VBOXQGLLOGREL(("ERROR: '%s' function is not found\n", "gl"#_v"EXT"));\ AssertBreakpoint(); \ (_rc)++; \ } \ }while(0) static int vboxVHWAGlParseSubver(const GLubyte * ver, const GLubyte ** pNext, bool bSpacePrefixAllowed) { int val = 0; for(;;++ver) { if(*ver >= '0' && *ver <= '9') { if(!val) { if(*ver == '0') continue; } else { val *= 10; } val += *ver - '0'; } else if(*ver == '.') { *pNext = ver+1; break; } else if(*ver == '\0') { *pNext = NULL; break; } else if(*ver == ' ' || *ver == '\t' || *ver == 0x0d || *ver == 0x0a) { if(bSpacePrefixAllowed) { if(!val) { continue; } } /* treat this as the end ov version string */ *pNext = NULL; break; } else { Assert(0); val = -1; break; } } return val; } /* static */ int VBoxGLInfo::parseVersion(const GLubyte * ver) { int iVer = vboxVHWAGlParseSubver(ver, &ver, true); if(iVer) { iVer <<= 16; if(ver) { int tmp = vboxVHWAGlParseSubver(ver, &ver, false); if(tmp >= 0) { iVer |= tmp << 8; if(ver) { tmp = vboxVHWAGlParseSubver(ver, &ver, false); if(tmp >= 0) { iVer |= tmp; } else { Assert(0); iVer = -1; } } } else { Assert(0); iVer = -1; } } } return iVer; } void VBoxGLInfo::init(const QGLContext * pContext) { if(mInitialized) return; mInitialized = true; if (!QGLFormat::hasOpenGL()) { VBOXQGLLOGREL (("no gl support available\n")); return; } // pContext->makeCurrent(); const GLubyte * str; VBOXQGL_CHECKERR( str = glGetString(GL_VERSION); ); if(str) { VBOXQGLLOGREL (("gl version string: 0%s\n", str)); mGLVersion = parseVersion (str); Assert(mGLVersion > 0); if(mGLVersion < 0) { mGLVersion = 0; } else { VBOXQGLLOGREL (("gl version: 0x%x\n", mGLVersion)); VBOXQGL_CHECKERR( str = glGetString (GL_EXTENSIONS); ); VBOXQGLLOGREL (("gl extensions: %s\n", str)); const char * pos = strstr((const char *)str, "GL_ARB_multitexture"); m_GL_ARB_multitexture = pos != NULL; VBOXQGLLOGREL (("GL_ARB_multitexture: %d\n", m_GL_ARB_multitexture)); pos = strstr((const char *)str, "GL_ARB_shader_objects"); m_GL_ARB_shader_objects = pos != NULL; VBOXQGLLOGREL (("GL_ARB_shader_objects: %d\n", m_GL_ARB_shader_objects)); pos = strstr((const char *)str, "GL_ARB_fragment_shader"); m_GL_ARB_fragment_shader = pos != NULL; VBOXQGLLOGREL (("GL_ARB_fragment_shader: %d\n", m_GL_ARB_fragment_shader)); pos = strstr((const char *)str, "GL_ARB_pixel_buffer_object"); m_GL_ARB_pixel_buffer_object = pos != NULL; VBOXQGLLOGREL (("GL_ARB_pixel_buffer_object: %d\n", m_GL_ARB_pixel_buffer_object)); pos = strstr((const char *)str, "GL_ARB_texture_rectangle"); m_GL_ARB_texture_rectangle = pos != NULL; VBOXQGLLOGREL (("GL_ARB_texture_rectangle: %d\n", m_GL_ARB_texture_rectangle)); pos = strstr((const char *)str, "GL_EXT_texture_rectangle"); m_GL_EXT_texture_rectangle = pos != NULL; VBOXQGLLOGREL (("GL_EXT_texture_rectangle: %d\n", m_GL_EXT_texture_rectangle)); pos = strstr((const char *)str, "GL_NV_texture_rectangle"); m_GL_NV_texture_rectangle = pos != NULL; VBOXQGLLOGREL (("GL_NV_texture_rectangle: %d\n", m_GL_NV_texture_rectangle)); pos = strstr((const char *)str, "GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two"); m_GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two = pos != NULL; VBOXQGLLOGREL (("GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two: %d\n", m_GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two)); pos = strstr((const char *)str, "GL_EXT_framebuffer_object"); m_GL_EXT_framebuffer_object = pos != NULL; VBOXQGLLOGREL (("GL_EXT_framebuffer_object: %d\n", m_GL_EXT_framebuffer_object)); initExtSupport(*pContext); } } else { VBOXQGLLOGREL (("failed to make the context current, treating as unsupported\n")); } } void VBoxGLInfo::initExtSupport(const QGLContext & context) { int rc = 0; do { rc = 0; mMultiTexNumSupported = 1; /* default, 1 means not supported */ if(mGLVersion >= 0x010201) /* ogl >= 1.2.1 */ { VBOXVHWA_PFNINIT_SAME(context, PFNVBOXVHWA_ACTIVE_TEXTURE, ActiveTexture, rc); VBOXVHWA_PFNINIT_SAME(context, PFNVBOXVHWA_MULTI_TEX_COORD2I, MultiTexCoord2i, rc); VBOXVHWA_PFNINIT_SAME(context, PFNVBOXVHWA_MULTI_TEX_COORD2D, MultiTexCoord2d, rc); VBOXVHWA_PFNINIT_SAME(context, PFNVBOXVHWA_MULTI_TEX_COORD2F, MultiTexCoord2f, rc); } else if(m_GL_ARB_multitexture) { VBOXVHWA_PFNINIT_ARB(context, PFNVBOXVHWA_ACTIVE_TEXTURE, ActiveTexture, rc); VBOXVHWA_PFNINIT_ARB(context, PFNVBOXVHWA_MULTI_TEX_COORD2I, MultiTexCoord2i, rc); VBOXVHWA_PFNINIT_ARB(context, PFNVBOXVHWA_MULTI_TEX_COORD2D, MultiTexCoord2d, rc); VBOXVHWA_PFNINIT_ARB(context, PFNVBOXVHWA_MULTI_TEX_COORD2F, MultiTexCoord2f, rc); } else { break; } if(RT_FAILURE(rc)) break; GLint maxCoords, maxUnits; glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_TEXTURE_COORDS, &maxCoords); glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS, &maxUnits); VBOXQGLLOGREL(("Max Tex Coords (%d), Img Units (%d)\n", maxCoords, maxUnits)); /* take the minimum of those */ if(maxUnits < maxCoords) maxCoords = maxUnits; if(maxUnits < 2) { VBOXQGLLOGREL(("Max Tex Coord or Img Units < 2 disabling MultiTex support\n")); break; } mMultiTexNumSupported = maxUnits; }while(0); do { rc = 0; mPBOSupported = false; if(m_GL_ARB_pixel_buffer_object) { VBOXVHWA_PFNINIT_ARB(context, PFNVBOXVHWA_GEN_BUFFERS, GenBuffers, rc); VBOXVHWA_PFNINIT_ARB(context, PFNVBOXVHWA_DELETE_BUFFERS, DeleteBuffers, rc); VBOXVHWA_PFNINIT_ARB(context, PFNVBOXVHWA_BIND_BUFFER, BindBuffer, rc); VBOXVHWA_PFNINIT_ARB(context, PFNVBOXVHWA_BUFFER_DATA, BufferData, rc); VBOXVHWA_PFNINIT_ARB(context, PFNVBOXVHWA_MAP_BUFFER, MapBuffer, rc); VBOXVHWA_PFNINIT_ARB(context, PFNVBOXVHWA_UNMAP_BUFFER, UnmapBuffer, rc); } else { break; } if(RT_FAILURE(rc)) break; mPBOSupported = true; } while(0); do { rc = 0; mFragmentShaderSupported = false; if(mGLVersion >= 0x020000) /* if ogl >= 2.0*/ { VBOXVHWA_PFNINIT_SAME(context, PFNVBOXVHWA_CREATE_SHADER, CreateShader, rc); VBOXVHWA_PFNINIT_SAME(context, PFNVBOXVHWA_SHADER_SOURCE, ShaderSource, rc); VBOXVHWA_PFNINIT_SAME(context, PFNVBOXVHWA_COMPILE_SHADER, CompileShader, rc); VBOXVHWA_PFNINIT_SAME(context, PFNVBOXVHWA_DELETE_SHADER, DeleteShader, rc); VBOXVHWA_PFNINIT_SAME(context, PFNVBOXVHWA_CREATE_PROGRAM, CreateProgram, rc); VBOXVHWA_PFNINIT_SAME(context, PFNVBOXVHWA_ATTACH_SHADER, AttachShader, rc); VBOXVHWA_PFNINIT_SAME(context, PFNVBOXVHWA_DETACH_SHADER, DetachShader, rc); VBOXVHWA_PFNINIT_SAME(context, PFNVBOXVHWA_LINK_PROGRAM, LinkProgram, rc); VBOXVHWA_PFNINIT_SAME(context, PFNVBOXVHWA_USE_PROGRAM, UseProgram, rc); VBOXVHWA_PFNINIT_SAME(context, PFNVBOXVHWA_DELETE_PROGRAM, DeleteProgram, rc); VBOXVHWA_PFNINIT_SAME(context, PFNVBOXVHWA_IS_SHADER, IsShader, rc); VBOXVHWA_PFNINIT_SAME(context, PFNVBOXVHWA_GET_SHADERIV, GetShaderiv, rc); VBOXVHWA_PFNINIT_SAME(context, PFNVBOXVHWA_IS_PROGRAM, IsProgram, rc); VBOXVHWA_PFNINIT_SAME(context, PFNVBOXVHWA_GET_PROGRAMIV, GetProgramiv, rc); VBOXVHWA_PFNINIT_SAME(context, PFNVBOXVHWA_GET_ATTACHED_SHADERS, GetAttachedShaders, rc); VBOXVHWA_PFNINIT_SAME(context, PFNVBOXVHWA_GET_SHADER_INFO_LOG, GetShaderInfoLog, rc); VBOXVHWA_PFNINIT_SAME(context, PFNVBOXVHWA_GET_PROGRAM_INFO_LOG, GetProgramInfoLog, rc); VBOXVHWA_PFNINIT_SAME(context, PFNVBOXVHWA_GET_UNIFORM_LOCATION, GetUniformLocation, rc); VBOXVHWA_PFNINIT_SAME(context, PFNVBOXVHWA_UNIFORM1F, Uniform1f, rc); VBOXVHWA_PFNINIT_SAME(context, PFNVBOXVHWA_UNIFORM2F, Uniform2f, rc); VBOXVHWA_PFNINIT_SAME(context, PFNVBOXVHWA_UNIFORM3F, Uniform3f, rc); VBOXVHWA_PFNINIT_SAME(context, PFNVBOXVHWA_UNIFORM4F, Uniform4f, rc); VBOXVHWA_PFNINIT_SAME(context, PFNVBOXVHWA_UNIFORM1I, Uniform1i, rc); VBOXVHWA_PFNINIT_SAME(context, PFNVBOXVHWA_UNIFORM2I, Uniform2i, rc); VBOXVHWA_PFNINIT_SAME(context, PFNVBOXVHWA_UNIFORM3I, Uniform3i, rc); VBOXVHWA_PFNINIT_SAME(context, PFNVBOXVHWA_UNIFORM4I, Uniform4i, rc); } else if(m_GL_ARB_shader_objects && m_GL_ARB_fragment_shader) { VBOXVHWA_PFNINIT_OBJECT_ARB(context, PFNVBOXVHWA_CREATE_SHADER, CreateShader, rc); VBOXVHWA_PFNINIT_ARB(context, PFNVBOXVHWA_SHADER_SOURCE, ShaderSource, rc); VBOXVHWA_PFNINIT_ARB(context, PFNVBOXVHWA_COMPILE_SHADER, CompileShader, rc); VBOXVHWA_PFNINIT(context, PFNVBOXVHWA_DELETE_SHADER, DeleteShader, DeleteObjectARB, rc); VBOXVHWA_PFNINIT_OBJECT_ARB(context, PFNVBOXVHWA_CREATE_PROGRAM, CreateProgram, rc); VBOXVHWA_PFNINIT(context, PFNVBOXVHWA_ATTACH_SHADER, AttachShader, AttachObjectARB, rc); VBOXVHWA_PFNINIT(context, PFNVBOXVHWA_DETACH_SHADER, DetachShader, DetachObjectARB, rc); VBOXVHWA_PFNINIT_ARB(context, PFNVBOXVHWA_LINK_PROGRAM, LinkProgram, rc); VBOXVHWA_PFNINIT_OBJECT_ARB(context, PFNVBOXVHWA_USE_PROGRAM, UseProgram, rc); VBOXVHWA_PFNINIT(context, PFNVBOXVHWA_DELETE_PROGRAM, DeleteProgram, DeleteObjectARB, rc); //TODO: VBOXVHWA_PFNINIT(PFNVBOXVHWA_IS_SHADER, IsShader, rc); VBOXVHWA_PFNINIT(context, PFNVBOXVHWA_GET_SHADERIV, GetShaderiv, GetObjectParameterivARB, rc); //TODO: VBOXVHWA_PFNINIT(PFNVBOXVHWA_IS_PROGRAM, IsProgram, rc); VBOXVHWA_PFNINIT(context, PFNVBOXVHWA_GET_PROGRAMIV, GetProgramiv, GetObjectParameterivARB, rc); VBOXVHWA_PFNINIT(context, PFNVBOXVHWA_GET_ATTACHED_SHADERS, GetAttachedShaders, GetAttachedObjectsARB, rc); VBOXVHWA_PFNINIT(context, PFNVBOXVHWA_GET_SHADER_INFO_LOG, GetShaderInfoLog, GetInfoLogARB, rc); VBOXVHWA_PFNINIT(context, PFNVBOXVHWA_GET_PROGRAM_INFO_LOG, GetProgramInfoLog, GetInfoLogARB, rc); VBOXVHWA_PFNINIT_ARB(context, PFNVBOXVHWA_GET_UNIFORM_LOCATION, GetUniformLocation, rc); VBOXVHWA_PFNINIT_ARB(context, PFNVBOXVHWA_UNIFORM1F, Uniform1f, rc); VBOXVHWA_PFNINIT_ARB(context, PFNVBOXVHWA_UNIFORM2F, Uniform2f, rc); VBOXVHWA_PFNINIT_ARB(context, PFNVBOXVHWA_UNIFORM3F, Uniform3f, rc); VBOXVHWA_PFNINIT_ARB(context, PFNVBOXVHWA_UNIFORM4F, Uniform4f, rc); VBOXVHWA_PFNINIT_ARB(context, PFNVBOXVHWA_UNIFORM1I, Uniform1i, rc); VBOXVHWA_PFNINIT_ARB(context, PFNVBOXVHWA_UNIFORM2I, Uniform2i, rc); VBOXVHWA_PFNINIT_ARB(context, PFNVBOXVHWA_UNIFORM3I, Uniform3i, rc); VBOXVHWA_PFNINIT_ARB(context, PFNVBOXVHWA_UNIFORM4I, Uniform4i, rc); } else { break; } if(RT_FAILURE(rc)) break; mFragmentShaderSupported = true; } while(0); do { rc = 0; mFBOSupported = false; if(m_GL_EXT_framebuffer_object) { VBOXVHWA_PFNINIT_EXT(context, PFNVBOXVHWA_IS_FRAMEBUFFER, IsFramebuffer, rc); VBOXVHWA_PFNINIT_EXT(context, PFNVBOXVHWA_BIND_FRAMEBUFFER, BindFramebuffer, rc); VBOXVHWA_PFNINIT_EXT(context, PFNVBOXVHWA_DELETE_FRAMEBUFFERS, DeleteFramebuffers, rc); VBOXVHWA_PFNINIT_EXT(context, PFNVBOXVHWA_GEN_FRAMEBUFFERS, GenFramebuffers, rc); VBOXVHWA_PFNINIT_EXT(context, PFNVBOXVHWA_CHECK_FRAMEBUFFER_STATUS, CheckFramebufferStatus, rc); VBOXVHWA_PFNINIT_EXT(context, PFNVBOXVHWA_FRAMEBUFFER_TEXTURE1D, FramebufferTexture1D, rc); VBOXVHWA_PFNINIT_EXT(context, PFNVBOXVHWA_FRAMEBUFFER_TEXTURE2D, FramebufferTexture2D, rc); VBOXVHWA_PFNINIT_EXT(context, PFNVBOXVHWA_FRAMEBUFFER_TEXTURE3D, FramebufferTexture3D, rc); VBOXVHWA_PFNINIT_EXT(context, PFNVBOXVHWA_GET_FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_PARAMETRIV, GetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv, rc); } else { break; } if(RT_FAILURE(rc)) break; mFBOSupported = true; } while(0); if(m_GL_ARB_texture_rectangle || m_GL_EXT_texture_rectangle || m_GL_NV_texture_rectangle) { mTextureRectangleSupported = true; } else { mTextureRectangleSupported = false; } mTextureNP2Supported = m_GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two; } void VBoxVHWAInfo::init(const QGLContext * pContext) { if(mInitialized) return; mInitialized = true; mglInfo.init(pContext); if(mglInfo.isFragmentShaderSupported() && mglInfo.isTextureRectangleSupported()) { uint32_t num = 0; mFourccSupportedList[num++] = FOURCC_AYUV; mFourccSupportedList[num++] = FOURCC_UYVY; mFourccSupportedList[num++] = FOURCC_YUY2; if(mglInfo.getMultiTexNumSupported() >= 4) { /* YV12 currently requires 3 units (for each color component) * + 1 unit for dst texture for color-keying + 3 units for each color component * TODO: we could store YV12 data in one texture to eliminate this requirement*/ mFourccSupportedList[num++] = FOURCC_YV12; } Assert(num <= VBOXVHWA_NUMFOURCC); mFourccSupportedCount = num; } else { mFourccSupportedCount = 0; } } bool VBoxVHWAInfo::isVHWASupported() const { if(mglInfo.getGLVersion() <= 0) { /* error occurred while gl info initialization */ VBOXQGLLOGREL(("2D not supported: gl version info not initialized properly\n")); return false; } #ifndef DEBUGVHWASTRICT /* in case we do not support shaders & multitexturing we can not support dst colorkey, * no sense to report Video Acceleration supported */ if(!mglInfo.isFragmentShaderSupported()) { VBOXQGLLOGREL(("2D not supported: fragment shader unsupported\n")); return false; } #endif if(mglInfo.getMultiTexNumSupported() < 2) { VBOXQGLLOGREL(("2D not supported: multitexture unsupported\n")); return false; } /* color conversion now supported only GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE * in this case only stretching is accelerated * report as unsupported, TODO: probably should report as supported for stretch acceleration */ if(!mglInfo.isTextureRectangleSupported()) { VBOXQGLLOGREL(("2D not supported: texture rectangle unsupported\n")); return false; } VBOXQGLLOGREL(("2D is supported!\n")); return true; } /* static */ bool VBoxVHWAInfo::checkVHWASupport() { #if defined(RT_OS_WINDOWS) || defined(RT_OS_LINUX) static char pszVBoxPath[RTPATH_MAX]; const char *papszArgs[] = { NULL, "-test", "2D", NULL}; int rc; RTPROCESS Process; RTPROCSTATUS ProcStatus; uint64_t StartTS; rc = RTPathExecDir(pszVBoxPath, RTPATH_MAX); AssertRCReturn(rc, false); #if defined(RT_OS_WINDOWS) || defined(RT_OS_OS2) rc = RTPathAppend(pszVBoxPath, RTPATH_MAX, "VBoxTestOGL.exe"); #else rc = RTPathAppend(pszVBoxPath, RTPATH_MAX, "VBoxTestOGL"); #endif papszArgs[0] = pszVBoxPath; /* argv[0] */ AssertRCReturn(rc, false); rc = RTProcCreate(pszVBoxPath, papszArgs, RTENV_DEFAULT, 0, &Process); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { VBOXQGLLOGREL(("2D support test failed: failed to create a test process\n")); return false; } StartTS = RTTimeMilliTS(); while (1) { rc = RTProcWait(Process, RTPROCWAIT_FLAGS_NOBLOCK, &ProcStatus); if (rc != VERR_PROCESS_RUNNING) break; if (RTTimeMilliTS() - StartTS > 30*1000 /* 30 sec */) { RTProcTerminate(Process); RTThreadSleep(100); RTProcWait(Process, RTPROCWAIT_FLAGS_NOBLOCK, &ProcStatus); VBOXQGLLOGREL(("2D support test failed: the test did not complete within 30 sec\n")); return false; } RTThreadSleep(100); } if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { if ((ProcStatus.enmReason==RTPROCEXITREASON_NORMAL) && (ProcStatus.iStatus==0)) { VBOXQGLLOGREL(("2D support test succeeded\n")); return true; } } VBOXQGLLOGREL(("2D support test failed: err code (%Rra)\n", rc)); return false; #else /* @todo: test & enable external app approach*/ VBoxGLTmpContext ctx; const QGLContext *pContext = ctx.makeCurrent(); Assert(pContext); if(pContext) { VBoxVHWAInfo info; info.init(pContext); return info.isVHWASupported(); } return false; #endif } VBoxGLTmpContext::VBoxGLTmpContext() { if(QGLFormat::hasOpenGL()) { mWidget = new QGLWidget(); } else { mWidget = NULL; } } VBoxGLTmpContext::~VBoxGLTmpContext() { if(mWidget) delete mWidget; } const class QGLContext * VBoxGLTmpContext::makeCurrent() { if(mWidget) { mWidget->makeCurrent(); return mWidget->context(); } return NULL; }